Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory


Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory was established in 1913 by Finnish Academy of Science and Letters to perform geophysical measurements and research based on the observation results. Measurements of the Earth's magnetic field began on 1st January 1914. On 1st August 1997, the observatory became an independent research department of the University of Oulu.


The Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory is located at 67° 22′ N, 26° 38′ E, which is 130 km north of Rovaniemi and 7 km south of Sodankylä, in the middle of Finnish Lapland at the beautiful banks of the river Kitinen.

Observations and Data

The Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory performs continuous measurements of the Earth's magnetic field, cosmic radio noise, seismic activities, and cosmic rays. The observatory operates two ionospheric radars and plays an active role in the scientific and technical research related to the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar system. An innovative measurement is the tomographic imaging of a 2-dimensional cross-section of the ionosphere from northern Norway to southern Finland. Altogether SGO runs measurements in 19 different locations from southern Finland to Svalbard.

Local magnetograms and the latest images from the All-Sky Camera are available in real time. Latest results of most continuous measurements are easily available. Descriptions of measurements and the recorded data can be found in the Archive. The data of measurements carried out by the Oulu Unit (seismic recordings and cosmic rays) can be found on the unit's web pages.

Large-scale infrastructures

coming soon!

Earth-Space Research Ecosystem

coming soon!


coming soon!


coming soon!

Space Institute

Coming soon!

Last modified: 16 December 2022, 10:51:52.

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