Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory

KAIRA MONITORING  :  Summary  |  Operators  |  BST  |  SST  |  XST  |  Computing  |  Archive

Current KAIRA Status

   No recent KRK file
status plot Archive status plot
SST plot XST plot BST plot
RF spectrum plot Riometric keogram plot Beamlet waterfall plot

The above plots are a summary of all the data products and status of the KAIRA system. It has been designed as a run-time operations page for those running experiments or monitoring observations. It is generated automatically as part of the data archive and monitoring system. Click on individual plots (or use the links just below the KAIRA banner graphic) to see more detail about the individual items.

To cite the KAIRA software system, use the UiT Munin archive record (BibTeX).

This page automatically refreshes approximately every 60 seconds.

See also:
  • Auroral conditions – monitoring of northern lights over Kilpisjärvi.
  • RF-container – detailed monitoring of the status in the KAIRA RF-container.
  • KAIRA Data Sheet – technical details and parameters for the KAIRA system.
  • KAIRA Schedule – current and historical schedule details for the facility

Last modified: 16 February 2023, 07:39:56.

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