Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory


Sodankylä geophysical observatory,University of Oulu
Cosmic Ray Station,Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, Oulu unit
Physical sciences, University of Oulu


Earthquake links

Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Finland
NORSAR: Norwegian Seismic Array ,near real-time seismograms
SNSN: Swedish national seismological network
IRIS: Seismic Monitor, global seismicity in near real-time
NEIC: Current Earthquake Information
Earthquake Information from the USGS
CNSS: Earthquake Maps
EMSC: European-mediterranean seismological centre
SeismoSurfing the Internet for Earthquake Data
SED: Swiss Seismological Service
ORFEUS: Observatories ans Research Facilities for European Seismology
Institute of Solid Earth Physics, University of Bergen, Norway
AAMC: MichSeis-Seismological Observatory, Department of Geological Scincies, University of Michigan
Virtual Earthquake
SASO: Southern Arizona, Seismic Observatory
GEOFON: GeoforschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany
GEOFON: List of automatic GEOFON earthquake locations

Real-time seismic monitors

GEOFON: Automatic GEOFON Global Seismic Monitor GeoforschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany
USGS: Latest Earthquakes in the World - Last 7 Days
NORSAR: Map of latest automatic locations in Fennoscandia
IRIS: Seismic Monitor, global seismicity in near real-time
EMSC: European-mediterranean seismological centre

Earthquake in Japan 11.3.2011

Sodankylä geophysical observatory, Oulu unit, earthquake in Japan, registrations in OUL,SGF,MSF,RNF Broadband-stations
Earthquake Information from the USGS, earthquake in Japan

Earthquake in Greece 8.1.2006

Sodankylä geophysical observatory, Oulu unit, earthquake in Greece, registrations in new OUL,SGF,MSF Broadband-stations
Earthquake Information from the USGS, earthquake in Greece

Earthquake in Pakistan 8.10.2005

Sodankylä geophysical observatory, Oulu unit, earthquake in Pakistan, Huttukylä(OUL) seismogram
Institute of Seismology,University of Helsinki, Finland, earthquake in Pakistan
Earthquake Information from the USGS, earthquake in Pakistan

Earthquake off the west coast of northern Sumatra 28.3.2005

Sodankylä geophysical observatory, Oulu unit, Earthquake off the west coast of northern Sumatra,seismogram of Huttukylä
Institute of Seismology University of Helsinki, Finland,earthquake off the west coast of northern Sumatra
Earthquake Information from the USGS, earthquake in northern Sumatra
3 D Visualization of recent Sumatra earthquake

Institute of Seismology,University of Helsinki, Finland,earthquake off the west coast of northern Sumatra
Earthquake Information from the USGS, earthquake off the west coast of northern Sumatra
3 D Visualization of recent Sumatra earthquake

Litosphere projects




ALP2002, Seismic Exploration of the Alpine Lithosphere

International Polar Year 2007-2008 and POLENET -POLAR Earth Observing Network

Web search

Last modified: 15 January 2020, 13:09:18.

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