Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
Change date:2025-02-21

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Kevo Kilpisjärvi* Abisko Ivalo Pittiövaara Oulu Oulujärvi* Jyväskylä

Total power Absorption data plot

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* Kilpisjärvi and Oulujärvi are collaborative instruments of ISEE (Japan) hosted by SGO.

NOTE: Our data are available free of charge for scientific and educational purposes. If our data are used for scientific publications, we require you to contact us in order to discuss under which conditions our data can be published, i.e. whether an acknowledgment of the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory in your paper is sufficient or whether we require co-authorship. For detailed access to additional data, please contact our office or the observer in charge.
See the detailed data licence.

Last modified: 2024-10-09, 05:49:03.