Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory

Long-Term Trends Workshop 2006

Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere

The 4th IAGA/ICMA/CAWSES Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere was held at Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, Sodankylä, Finland, from 4th to 8th September 2006.


The workshop is sponsored by the following organisations (in order of their contribution). We are grateful for all the support received.

  • Thule Institute, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
  • IAGA - International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
  • ICMA - International Commission on Middle Atmosphere
  • CAWSES - Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System

Scientific focus and objectives of the workshop

Increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, stratospheric ozone depletion, as well as long-term changes of solar and geomagnetic activity can result in long-term changes and trends in the stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere. More and more measurements of atmospheric constituents from space, airborne and ground-based platforms have become available in the past two decades and atmospheric models have improved very much. The main goal of this workshop is to review our current observational and model-simulation knowledge and understanding of trends. The workshop is focused on the determination of long-term trends and changes and the quantification of the role of anthropogenic changes (primarily greenhouse effect) versus effects from the Sun in the observed trends. Model interpretation and prediction of trends of greenhouse origin is of high importance as well. Papers dealing with availability and quality of observational data for trend studies, observational determination of long-term trends as well as those dealing with simulations and theoretical studies of trends in the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere as well as in the stratosphere and partly in the troposphere (not main focus of the workshop) are welcome.

Conference paper publications

A special issue of Annales Geophysicae will give us the possibility to publish original and new research in the fields covered by the workshop. The guest editors of the special issue are Drs Thomas Ulich and Esa Turunen.

Note: The submission deadline has been postponed due to logistic reasons! The new deadline is 18th December 2006.

The proceedings papers will be fully refereed and published in the same way as any other contribution to Annales Geophysicae. The only difference is that you submit your paper to us by e-mail, using the address below. For details on how to prepare manuscripts for Annales Geophysicae, please consult the Manuscript Preparation & Submission guidelines.

Note that we strongly prefer PDF submissions over any other format, because PDF ensures that we can read and print your documents without too much trouble. This is valid for manuscript and figures. Please use Word or LaTeX for manuscript production and convert to PDF before submission if possible. Please provide figures in a scalable format such as PS, EPS or PDF (preferred), and do not use TIFF, JPEG, GIF etc.

Please mark the submission in the subject line as "Submission: ...", where the dots should be the author list as used in references in other articles. Example: "Submission: Ulich et al." or "Submission: Ulich and Turunen". This will make our operations a lot easier.

Important deadlines (updated!)

  • Monday, 18th December 2006: Submission deadline for papers to be published in a special issue of Annales Geophysicae.

Programme Committee: Jan Lastovicka (chair; Czech Rep.), Gufran Beig (India), Thomas Ulich (Finland), Rashid Akmaev (USA), Martin Jarvis (U.K.), John Emmert (USA), Alexei Danilov (Russia).

Local Organising Committee: Thomas Ulich (chair), Esa Turunen, Jyrki Manninen, Nina Riipi, Anna-Liisa Piippo.


Dr Thomas Ulich
Chairman of LOC

Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
Tähteläntie 62
FIN-99600 Sodankylä

Last modified: 2019-07-05, 07:32:45.