Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory

Ionospheric Tomography

News related to Finnish ionospheric tomography chains:

The reconstructions of the joint SGO-FMI network is made in eventbase.

2021-08-18 (tjr)
Joint FMI-SGO Tomoscand network has been receiving e-POP Cassiope and DMSP F-15 beacons, which are now gone. At the moment there is no operational beacons at 150 and 400MHz on polar orbits. We are looking for future options...
2018-02-07 (tjr)
Joint FMI-SGO Tomoscand network is now operation with SGO's RFsTomo1 receivers and FMI's TomoScand receivers (GNU radio based)
2017-11-24 (tjr)
All old Invers Oy built SGO receivers are now retired after 15 years of operation. Thanks for all host institutes (IRF,Centria,FMI,LTU) and private hosts in past years.
2017-07-10 (tjr)
The second RLab built tomography receiver was installed to SGO site station near Oulu. See the Latest Data page
2017-06-07 (tjr)
First RLab built tomography receiver installed to Kiruna on 1 June 2017. New receiver is capable to receive also CASSIOPE beacons. See the Latest Data page
2017-03-13 (tjr)
Reconstruction until 1 Jan 2017 are now available in the archive. New TomoScand receiver made in RLab project are presently in the test at SGO. New receivers will be installed after test phase and the data will be used together with FMI Tomoscand receivers.
2016-12-16 (tjr)
Reconstruction until 1 Nov 2016 are now available in the archive. Satellite 103 not received after 22 Nov, but 104 is active again since 18 Nov 2016.
2016-06-16 (tjr)
Reconstruction of May 2016 are now available in the archive. Kepler elements of satellite 104 not updated since 3 March 2016, not received after 1 Jun 2016.
2016-05-12 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Mar-Apr 2016 are now available in the archive.
2016-03-01 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Feb 2016 are now available in the archive.
2016-03-01 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Nov 2015 - Jan 2016 are now available in the archive. SGO old receivers will run until summer 2016, when they will be replaced by receivers developed in RLab project.
2015-11-13 (tjr)
Reconstruction of May-Oct 2015 are now available in the archive.FMI operates TomoScand receivers in Hankasalmi and Lycksele during Finnish EISCAT campaign. SGO old receivers will run until summer 2016, when they will be replaced.
2015-06-05 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Apr 2015 are now available in the archive.
2015-05-08 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Mar 2015 are now available in the archive.
2015-03-19 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Feb 2015 are now available in the archive, but amount of successful passes has dropped dramatically. LUL still down due to roof renovation at the site. Satellite 104 received again since 24 February. Satellite 103 not found always.
2015-02-06 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Oct 2014 - Jan 2015 are available in the archive. LUL down due to roof renovation at the site. KIR suffered about power failure around Christmas time (Dec 21 -Jan 6). After 23 January 2015 the satellite 104 has been silent. Combination of three receivers and two satellites drop the amount and the quality of the reconstruction. Any information about new beacon satellite projects are welcome!
2014-10-20 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Jun-Sep 2014 available in the archive. Reconstructions not available from 20 Jul to 5 Aug due to hardware failures at sites. Also most of the reconstructions of August are calculated from three receivers. Hardware problems occured in summer solved in 29 August and four stations in operation.
2014-07-11 (tjr)
Reconstruction of May 2014 available in the archive.
2014-05-22 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Apr 2014 available in the archive.
2014-04-08 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Mar 2014 available in the archive. Satellite 103 transmission not received all the time. Problems in satellite?
2014-03-21 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Feb 2014 available in the archive.
2014-02-24 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Jan 2014 available in the archive.
2014-01-31 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Dec 2013 available in the archive. Observatory managed to get funding for upgrading the tomography receivers in near future (2014-2015).
2013-12-10 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Sep-Nov 2013 available in the archive.
2013-09-23 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Aug 2013 added to archive.
2013-09-23 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Jun-Jul 2013 added to archive. Kilpisjarvi station temporarily closed due to instrument failure in thunder strom.
2013-07-01 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Apr-May 2013 added to archive.
2013-05-03 (tjr)
Satellite 103 received since 22 March. Reconstruction of Mar 2013 added to archive.
2013-03-20 (tjr)
Satellite 105 missing since 13 February. Also satellite 103 not received since 17 February. Only two satellites (104 and 106) available continuously. Reconstruction of Feb 2013 added to archive.
2013-02-28 (tjr)
Satellite 105 received from 8 Jan to 13 Feb 2013 and lost again. Only three active satellites (103, 104 and 106) available. Reconstruction of Nov 2012 to Jan 2013 added to archive. 10 years of continuous operation with the Finnish tomography chain!
2012-12-04 (tjr)
Satellite 105 not transmitting after 19 November 2012. Keplerian elements of 105 also disappeared frxy om telemetry of the active satellites (103,104 and 106). Reconstruction of October 2012 added to archive.
2012-11-09 (tjr)
LUL is in operation again. The receiver found new home from EISLAB at LTU.
2012-11-05 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Sep 2012 available. Error found from quick-look reconstruction plots 2004-2011. The latitudal axis of the reconstruction was misplaced. Plots are regenerated back to 2004, when error was introduced when NUR station was taken into analysis.
2012-10-05 (tjr)
Reconstruction of May-Aug 2012 available. LUL still not in operation.
2012-06-20 (tjr)
Reconstruction of April 2012 available. LUL still not in operation.
2012-05-10 (tjr)
Reconstruction of Jan-Mar 2012 available now in the archieve.
2012-01-16 (tjr)
Reconstruction of December 2011 available now in the archieve.
2011-12-19 (tjr)
Reconstructions of October and November 2011 available now. Station LUL temporarily closed due to renovation at LTU campus. The receiver will be in operation in new location at the campus again in January 2012.
2011-10-17 (tjr)
Reconstructions of August and September 2011 available in the archieve. SGO has developed new tomography receiver in collaration with Finnih Meteorological Institute. More about Jitter (Gnu Ionospheric Tomography Receiver).
2011-09-05 (tjr)
Reconstructions of July 2011 available in the archieve.
2011-08-09 (tjr)
Reconstructions of June 2011 available in the archieve.
2011-06-16 (tjr)
Reconstructions of April and May 2011 available in the archieve.
2011-04-14 (tjr)
Reconstructions of March 2011 added to archieve.
Reconstructions of February 2011 added to archieve.
2011-02-23 (tjr)
Reconstructions of January 2011 added to archieve. No data 9-14 Jan 2011. Small bug in schedule calculation corrected (22 Feb 2011).
2011-01-10 (tjr)
Reconstructions of December 2010 added to archieve.
2010-12-07 (tjr)
Reconstructions of November 2010 added to archieve.
2010-11-05 (tjr)
Reconstructions of October 2010 added to archieve.
2010-10-15 (tjr)
Reconstructions of September 2010 added to archieve. Error in schedule optimization fixed, sometimes more satellite passes possible to measure.
2010-09-06 (tjr)
Reconstructions of August 2010 added to archieve.
2010-08-16 (tjr)
Reconstructions of June and July 2010 added to archieve.
2010-07-01 (tjr)
Reconstructions of May 2010 added to archieve.
2010-05-20 (tjr)
Reconstructions of Feb-Apr 2010 added to archieve.
2010-04-27 (tjr)
New Parus satellite was launched from Pletesk on 27 April 2010. The satellite carries code 106 in the constellation. Now we have 4 operational etransmitter in the near space (altitude of 1000km).
2010-03-01 (tjr)
Reconstructions of January 2010 to archieve. Kiruna down from 21 Jan to 3 February.
2010-01-22 (tjr)
Reconstructions of Novermber and December 2009 added to archieve.
2009-12-09 (tjr)
Publications,where the tomography data is used by Biagio Forte:

Forte, B. (2008), Refractive scattering evidence from multifrequency scintillation spectra observed at auroral latitudes, Radio Sci., 43, RS2012, doi:10.1029/2007RS003715

Forte, B. (2007), On the relationship between the geometrical control of scintillation indices and the data detrending problems observed at high latitudes, Annals of Geophysics, VOL.50, N.6, December 2007
2009-11-19 (tjr)
Reconstructions of October 2009 added to archieve. September added earlier.
2009-09-18 (tjr)
Reconstructions of August 2009 added to archieve. KIL 23-31 Aug missing.
2009-08-19 (tjr)
Reconstructions of July 2009 added to archieve. LUL data missing from 27 June to 5 Aug 2009.
2009-08-14 (tjr)
NEW SATELLITE launched! Russians launched new satellite (COSMOS 2454) on 21st July 2009, which carries satellite code 103.
2009-05-08 (tjr)
Reconstructions of April 2009 added to archieve. KIL data missing from 25 April to 4 May 2009. File system of the station was broken because of local power failure.
2009-04-09 (tjr)
Reconstructions of February and March 2009 added to archieve. Only two satellites are active. Also all TEC-maps of Nov2008-Jan2009 are available online.
2008-10-02 (tjr)
Reconstructions of August and July (IRI2) 2008 added to archieve.
2008-08-17 (tjr)
Reconstructions (Chapman regularisation) of July 2008 added to archieve.
2008-08-11 (tjr)
Reconstructions until July 2008 are available. Satellite 106 silent since 21 July 2008. Only two active satellites: 104,105.
2008-03-18 (tjr)
Reconstructions of January and February 2008 available. Three active satellites: 104,105,106.
2008-01-10 (tjr)
Reconstructions of December 2007 added to archieve. Three active satellites: 104,105,106.
2007-12-13 (tjr)
Reconstructions of November 2007 added to archieve. Satellite 102 disappeared again, which dropped the amount of calculated reconstructions In October we had over 400 overpasses which were analysed.
2007-10-09 (tjr)
Reconstructions of September 2007 added to archieve. Satellite 102 available again. Finnish EISCAT campaign has started today.
2007-09-25 (tjr)
Received Keplerian element information includes information of new satellite, code 105. Information of the satellite 102 has not been updated since start of August. Satellite 101 still in operation, but it offers only few good overpasses per week. So, at the moment we are receiving data frequently from the satellites 104,105,106.
2007-09-07 (tjr)
Reconstructions of August 2007 added to archieve. Satellite 102 disappeared again.
2007-08-06 (tjr)
Reconstructions of July 2007 added to archieve.
2007-08-02 (tjr)
Reconstructions of June 2007 added to archieve.
2007-07-12 (tjr)
Location of the receiver antenna at Nurmijarvi changed. Antenna is now 3m above ground level instead of ground level.
2007-06-06 (tjr)
Reconstructions of May 2007 added to archive. Satellite 102 still quiet.
2007-06-01 (tjr)
Reconstructions of March and April 2007 added to archive. All the 5 station in full operation. Since 4.5.2007 satellite 102 can not be received. Probably problems with the satellite because Kepplerian elements are not updated after 4.5.2007.
2007-02-23 (tjr)
Reconstructions of January 2007 added to archive. Luleâ station temporarily down because of problems with power of receiver radio and aerial damaged by winter storm. Station will be running before start of the IPY (1 Mar 07). Connection to NUR not working normally. No daily plot of data in Latest Data available.
2007-01-19 (tjr)
Reconstructions of December 2006 added to archive. Database of 2006 includes 3043 reconstructions.
2006-12-18 (tjr)
Reconstructions of November 2006 added to archive.
2006-11-14 (tjr)
Reconstructions of October 2006 added to archive. The Finnish EISCAT campaign takes place 20.-29.11.2006. More information about it can be found later from -> Events.
2006-10-23 (tjr)
Reconstructions of Sep 2006 added to archive.
2006-09-26 (tjr)
Reconstructions of Aug 2006 added to archive. The next Finnish EISCAT campaign will be held in November 2006.
2006-08-14 (tjr)
Reconstructions of May-Jul 2006 added to archive.
2006-05-30 (tjr)
Reconstructions of Jan-Apr 2006 added to archive. There has been problems during the spring with Kiruna and Kokkola station. Kilpisjarvi station has got broadband connection which makes data availability easier and tomography analysis should be available faster.
2006-01-18 (tjr)
Reconstructions of November and December 2005 added to archive. The chain continues with 5 receivers. Last weeks we have had problems with Kiruna aerial. It will be maintained in near future.
2005-11-07 (tjr)
Reconstructions of August, September and October 2005 added to archive.
2005-10-13 (tjr)
Finnish EISCAT campaign 2005 was held from 26th of September to 13th of October in co-operation with UK colleagues. Finnish stations operated on their regular positions (KIL, KIR, LUL, KOK and NUR). Russian tomography measurement campaign at Tromsø EISCAT site was operated same time with Finnish campaign.
2005-08-17 (tjr)
Reconstructions available until end of July 2005.
2005-06-22 (tjr)
Lulea station active after half year break.
2005-06-10 (tjr)
Signal level of Nurmijarvi station approved after checking the receiver system.
2005-03-11 (tjr)
Reconstructions available until end of February 2005.
2004-12-08 (tjr)
Reconstructions of November 2004 added to on-line database (209 flights, 4 stations).
2004-12-08 (tjr)
Data of the first half of September recovered from the broken hard disk (see 2004-10-12) of Kokkola station. Reconstructions of September 2004 will be recalculated soon.
2004-11-29 (tjr)
Reconstructions of October 2004 added to on-line database. Only few flights are available on October because of problems with Kokkola and Lulea station.
2004-10-27 (tjr)
Lulea station temporarily closed. Problems with the aerial of the station.
2004-10-27 (tjr)
Kokkola station maintained. Hard disk failure and broken power.
2004-10-12 (tjr)
Reconstructions of September 2004 added to on-line database. Broken link of data sheet page has been repaired. Kokkola station has been down because of thunder damage since end of August. Lulea has problems with antennas 150MHz band.
2004-10-04 (tjr)
Fast link from the data sheet page to the new month request is not working. Please, use Data link on the submenu on the top.

2004-10-04 (tjr)
Reconstructions of July and August 2004 added to on-line database.

2004-09-24 (tjr)
New web pages of the observatory launched. NOTE: tomography pages are still under testing.

2004-08-16 (tjr)
Reconstructions of June 2004 added to on-line database.

2004-07-19 (tjr)
Kokkola station moved to the new site at the Keski-Pohjanmaan Ammattikorkeakoulu in Kokkola. This will provide better internet connection to the station instead of ISDN connection and data delayed data transfer from the station to the observatory. This makes faster analysis possible in future.

2004-07-06 (tjr)
Wide thunderstorm broke internet connections to the stations and caused some bigger electri gaps on 6th of July. There were over 20000 lightnings measured in Some data of July will be lost.

2004-06-22 (tjr)
Reconstructions of May 2004 added to on-line database.

2004-06-22 (tjr)
Fifth station opened at Nurmijärvi (60.51N 24.65E) in start of June.

2004-05-19 (tjr)
Reconstructions of April 2004 added to on-line database.

2004-04-27 (tjr)
Reconstructions of March 2004 added to on-line database.

2004-04-26 (tjr)
Kiruna station down from 9th of Apr to 26th of Apr because of problems with local electric network.

2004-04-14 (tjr)
Reconstructions of January and February 2004 added to on-line database.

2004-02-26 (tjr)
Fifth station in Tromsö closed.

2004-02-25 (tjr)
Finnish EISCAT campaign finished.

2004-02-18 (tjr)
Finnish EISCAT campaign started.

2004-02-17 (tjr)
Fifth station installed to Tromsö
2004-02-16 (tjr)
Fourth station installed to Kilpisjärvi (69.02N 22.17E).
2004-01-22 (tjr)
Reconstructions of November and December 2003 added to on-line database

2004-01-21 (tjr)
News archive of ionospheric tomography chain has started. Some latest news below added.

2003-12-23 (tjr)
Amount of the active satellites have dropped down to three during the autumn 2003. There are 15-20 suitable overpasses available per day.

2003-12-23 (tjr)
Lulea station active after one mounth break due to broken antenna.

2003-12-01 (tjr)
Finally our tomography chain is on-line.

2003-10-18 (tjr)
Tromso station closed because of high custom fees. Station will be in operation during our EISCAT campaign February 2004.

Last modified: 05 July 2019, 07:28:34.

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