Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory |
Here you find latest data from different riometer applications operated by SGO. The traditional LaJolla riometers at 30.0 and 32.4MHz use half-wave length dipole antennas. The spectriometers are broad band riometers from 20MHz to 55MHz with log-period antenna. KAIRA LBA field (20-80MHz) is also used for riometer application, when there is no on-going experiment runs.
The operation of the IRIS imaging riometer of University of Lancaster (UK) at Kilpisjärvi has been supported by the SGO. The operation of the IRIS ended in July 2023. Absorption data from Kilpisjärvi is available from KAIRA LBA and a spectral riometer.
The availability of different riometer data in near real-time is instrument depending.
LaJolla Riometers (30.0, 32.4MHz) |
SpectRiometers (20-55MHz) |
KAIRA (20-80MHz) |
Last modified: 2020-04-09, 06:59:35.