Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory

SOD Geomagnetic Observatory

The oldest routine task of SGO is the regular measurement of the geomagnetic field. The measurements began on 1st January 1914 and continue until today. The only gap in the time series is between 16th September 1944 and 1st January 1947 due to the destruction of the observatory during the war.

The analog La Cour was in operation until 31st December 1995. Nowadays digital data is produced in the variation room of the observatory by a Danish fluxgate magnetometer (FGE), a Polish torsion photoelectric magnetometer (TPM), and a Russian TPM magnetometer. Weekly measurements of the absolute magnetic field (D,I and F) provide the base line control for magnetometers.


The geomagnetic observatory is part of the INTERMAGNET and IMAGE networks. The near real-time data is also used in EMMA network and in EU/FP7 funded PLASMON project for calculation of the field line resonances (FLR).

Geographic:67° 22' N, 26° 38' E (67.37° N, 26.63° E)
Geomagnetic:63.8°, 120.0°, -26.7°, dip = 76.7°
Corrected geomagnetic:  64.0°, 107.2°, L-value 5.3
Altitude a.s.l.(N60):180 metres

Observer in charge:

Tero Raita
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
Tähteläntie 62
FIN-99600 Sodankylä, Finland
Phone: +358-(0)294-480864

Principal Investigator:

Prof. Eija Tanskanen
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
Tähteläntie 62
FIN-99600 Sodankylä, Finland
Phone: +358-(0)294-480813

Last modified: 24 August 2023, 11:47:29.

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