Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory

Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory

Geophysical measurements and research since 1914

SGO, located 120 km north of the Arctic Circle in Finland, is an independent department of the University of Oulu.

Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
Tähteläntie 62 Phone: Staff list
FIN-99600 Sodankylä
FINLAND e-mail: Contact us
Geographic: 67° 22' N, 26° 38' E, 180 m
Geomagnetic*: 64.1°, 119.2°, -23.2°, dip = 80.0°
Corrected geomagnetic*: 64.1°, 106.7°, L=5.25
* IGRF-11 model for 2010

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Last modified: 15 February 2023, 10:29:22.

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