First time I visited in Tähtelä during summer 1997. It was just short visit at the SGO guest rooms to pick my friend on the way to spend long weekend in the Northern Lapland. Second visit took place two years later when I took part to excursion to the observatory as an university undergraduate student. Atmosphere of Tähtelä was really nice but I did not guess that one day I would work here.
After finishing my MS degree in geophysics I continued three months in SVEKALAPKO project at Institute of Gephysics, in Prague, Czech Republic. Change from heart of the Europe to Sodankylä was quite big. I have worked at the SGO since January 2014, first as researcher with responsible of the SGO measuring sites, SGO ionospheric tomography receiver chain, riometer operations and pulsation magnetometers. Since 2010 I have been head of the geomagnetic observatory at SGO, which is the main task.
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
University of Oulu Tähteläntie 62
FI-99600 Sodankylä
tel. +358-294-480864