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== A ==
== B ==
- Brasseur, G. and S. Solomon, Aeronomy of the
Middle Atmosphere, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1984.
- (Middle atmosphere, chemical concepts,
structure and dynamics, radiation, composition and chemistry, ions,
possible perturbations and atmospheric responses)
== C ==
- Chalmers, J. A., Atmospheric Electricity,
Pergamon Press, London, 1957.
- (General principles, ions, vertical potential
gradient, conductivity, air-earth current, point discharge currents,
precipitation current, thunder cloud, lightning discharge, separation
of charge)
- Coroniti, S. C. and Hughes, (eds.), Planetary
Electrodynamics I-II., Gordon and Breach, New York, 1969.
- (Fair weather and disturbed electricity,
tropospheric ionization, electrification processes, physics of
lightning, monitoring, simulation, planetary atmospheric electricity
and its measurement)
- Coroniti, S. C. (ed.), Problems of Atmospheric
and Space Electricity, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1965.
- (Proceedings of the third international
conference on atmospheric and space electricity)
- Crosby, N., E. Daly, and A. Hilgers, Space
Weather, ESA WPP-155, 1999.
- (A collection of ~100 papers presented at the
ESTEC workshop on the subject (Nordwijk, the Netherlands, 11-13
November 1998). 528 pages. A must.)
== D ==
- Dolezalek, H. and R. Reiter (eds.), Electrical
Processes in Atmospheres.
- (Proceedings of the fifth international
conference on atmospheric electricity)
== E ==
- The Earth's electrical environment (Studies in
geophysics), Washington, USA, 1986.
- (It reviews the different components of global
electric circuit such as lightning, thunderstorm, electrical processes
in atmospheric regions and telluric current.)
== F ==
== G ==
== H ==
- Hansen, J. E. and T. Takahashi (eds.), Climate
Processes and Climate Sensitivity, AGU, Washington, 1984.
- (Atmosphere and ocean dynamics, hydrologic
cycle and clouds, albedo and radiation processes, cryospheric
processes, ice cores and glacial history, ocean chemistry)
- Hargreaves, J. K., The Upper Atmosphere and
Solar-Terrestrial Relations, von Nostrand, New York, 1979.
- (Vertical structure of the undisturbed upper
atmosphere, spatial and temporal variations, winds, currents, waves,
irregularities, structure of the magnetosphere, dynamical
magnetosphere and substorm, waves in the magnetosphere, solar flares,
- Hargreaves, J. K., The Solar-Terrestrial
Environment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992.
- (An introduction to geospace - the science of
the terrestrial upper atmosphere, ionosphere and
(This is the revision of Hargreaves [1979])
- Holton, J. R. and T. Matsuno (eds.), Dynamics
of the Middle Atmosphere. Terra, Tokyo, 1984.
- (Gravity waves, tides and oscillations, large
scale waves and wave-mean flow interaction, radiation, transport of
traces, modeling)
- Hoyt D.V. and K.H. Schatten, The Role of the
Sun in Climate Change, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1997.
- (A tutorial examination of solar activity
through history, observational accounts, present-day theories,
sun/climate connection.)
== I ==
- Israel, H., Das Gewitter, Akademische
Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig, 1950.
- (Theory of thunderstorms, lightning
discharges, strokes and electromagnetic radiation, recent
observational results)
- Israel, H., Atmosphärische
Elektrizität I-II. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig,
1957, 1961.
- (Fundamentals, conductivity of the atmosphere
and its causes, measurement technics, tables - atmospheric electric
field, charges, currents, supplement)
== J ==
== K ==
- Kilinsky, E., Lehrbuch der
Luftelektrizität, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig, 1958.
- (Conductivity and ions, atmospheric electric
field, currents flowing in the atmosphere, cloud and thunderstorm
- Kondratev, K. Ya., Changes in Global Climate,
Balkema, Rotterdam, 1986.
- (Contemporary global climatic changes and
radiation budget of the Earth, gaseous composition and radiant heat
flux, effect of aerosol on radiative transfer and climate)
== L ==
== M ==
- McCormac, B. M. and Th. A. Seliga (eds.),
Solar-Terrestrial Influences on Weather and Climate, Reidel,
Publ. Co., Dordrecht, 1978.
- (Proceedings of a symposium held at the
Fawcett Center for Tomorrow, Ohio State University)
- Magono, Ch., Thunderstorms, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 1980.
- (Structure of thunderstorms, precipitation
electricity, charge generation, non precipitating thunderstorms,
lichtning discharge, recent advances)
- Malone, T. F. and J. G. Roederer, (eds.),
Global Change, Cambridge University Press, cambridge, 1985.
- (Overview and unifying concepts, atmosphere
and hydrosphere, life sys tems, solid earth, sun and space, tools and
technology, geosphere - biosphere and human activity)
== N ==
== O ==
== P ==
== Q ==
== R ==
- Rawer, K. (ed.), Winds and Turbulence in
Stratosphere, Mesosphere and Ionosphere, North-Holland, Amsterdam,
- (Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study
Institute Lindau, Germany)
- Reiter, R., Meteorologie und Elektrizität
der Atmosphäre, Akademische Verlag, Leipzig, 1960.
- (Nature, characteristics of indicator elements
and their dependence on weather, meteorobiological investigations on
the basis of atmospheric electric indicator elements, solar eruptions,
their relation to weather and life of people, general conclusions
connected with the weather dependence of people)
- Reiter, R., Fields, Currents and Aerosols in
the Lower Troposphere, Steinkopf, Darmstadt, 1985.
- (Network of stations, their geographical
location and equipment, relationship between the atmospheric electric
elements and meteorological conditions, solar-terrestrial
relationships, atmospheric radioactivity and ionization of air,
results of the study of atmospheric radioactivity and its
- Reiter, R., Phenomena in Atmospheric and
Environmental Electricity, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992.
- (History and fundamentals, ions-aerosols-air
conductivity, fair and pseudo-fair weather-global atmospheric
electricity, phenomena due to orography, altitude and environment
without precipitation, phenomena preceeding and during precipitation,
solar-terrestrial relationships)
- Ruhnke, L. H. and J. Latham (eds.),
Proceedings in Atmospheric Electricity, Deepak Publ., Hampton,
Vi. 1983.
- (Selected abstracts from the VI th
international conference on atmospheric electricity)
== S ==
- Smith, L. G. (ed.), Recent Advances in
Atmospheric Electricity, Pergamon, London, 1958.
- (Proceedings of the second conference on
atmospheric electricity)
- Speranza, A., S. Tibaldi and R. Fantechi
(eds.), Global Change, EUR, Brussels, 199l.
- (Conceptual basis for understanding climate
and its variations, what are the limitations of our data base, do we
have adequate methodologies of model validitation, do we understand
the carbon cycle, what are the consequencies of climate changes and
possible remedial measures)
== T ==
- Troen, I. (ed.), Global Change, Climate Change
and Climate Change Impacts, EUR, Brussels, 1993.
- (Global climate modeling, climate change
impacts, past climates, climate processes, integrated regional
== U ==
- Uman, M. A., The Lightning Discharge, Academic
Press, New-York, 1987.
- (Lightning phenomenology, cloud and lightning
charges, stepped leader, attachment process, return stroke, dart
leader, continuing current, J and K processes, positive lightning,
cloud discharges)
== V ==
- Volland, H. (ed.), Handbook of Atmospherics
I-II., CRC Press, Boca Raton 1982.
- (Physics of thunderclouds, lightning, low and
high frequency noise, sferics, whistlers, theory of
- Volland, H., (ed.), Handbook of Atmospheric
Electrodynamics I-II. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1995.
- (Thunderstorms, lightning, lightning and
atmospheric chemistry, radiofrequency radiation, other natural
electromagnetic phenomena)
== W ==
== X ==
== Y ==
== Z ==
== A ==
- Abbas, M. A. and J. Latham, The
electrofreezing of supercooled water droplets, J. Fluid Mech.,
30, 663-670, 1967.
- (Original publication of the effects of
disruption on inducing freezing)
- Anyamba, E., E.R. Williams, J. Susskind,
A.C. Fraser-Smith, and M. Füllekrug, The manifestation of the
Madden-Julian oscillation in global deep convection and in the
Schumann resonance intensity, J. Atmo. Sci., , in press.
- (Evidence for modulation of tropical lightning
activity and convective cloud cover with the solar rotation
== B ==
- Bauer S. J., Zum Problem Sonnenaktivität,
Wetter und Klima, Wetter und Leben, 34, 221-226, 1982
- (Influence of the Galactic Cosmic Ray
variations on the atmosphere transparency.)
- Beard, K. V., Ice initiation in warm-base
convective clouds: An assessment of microphysical mechanisms,
Atmosph. Res., 28, 125-152, 1992.
- (A review of problems and possibilities for
ice nucleation processes)
- Beard, K. V. and H. T. Ochs, Charging
mechanisms in clouds and thunderstorms, in The Earth's Electrical
Environment, pp. 114-130, National Academy Press, Washington,
D.C., 1986.
- (A review of processes leading to charging of
- Bencze, P., The distribution of the quantities
of charge transported by point discharge, Acta Technica, 43,
289-292, 1963.
- (Annual variation of the quantities of
negative and positive charges transported by point discharge recorded
in Nagycenk Observatory and its explanation)
- Bencze, P., Über den täglichen und
jährlichen Gang der luftelektrischen Unruhe, Acta Technica,
47, 87-95, 1964.
- (Daily and annual variation of the atmospheric
electric agitation is described for four group of periods and sources
of the agitation studied)
- Bencze, P., Zur Frage der Entstehung der
luftelektrischen Unruhe, Pure and Aplied Geophysics, 61,
173-182, 1965.
- (Annual variation of atmospheric electric
agitation has an opposite variation as compared with the annual
variation of conductivity at a continental station)
- Bencze, P., The annual variation of the ratio
of the quantities of negative to positive charge transported by point
discharge, Acta Geodaet. Geoph. Mont. Hung., 1, 93-105, 1966.
- (In summer the hourly quantity of negative
charge exceeding that of the positive charge is more frequent in
summer, types of point discharge current changes attributed to
different charge distribution in clouds are presented)
- Bencze, P., G. Sátori and
P. Szemerédy, Variation of the level of atmospheric radio noise
- II. Acta Geodaet. Geoph. Mont. Hung., 8, 427-435, 1973.
- (Cross-correlation between atmospheric radio
noise and geomagnetic activity has indicated a periodicity of about 14
days and explained by planetary waves)
- Bencze, P. and P. Szemerédy, Variation
of the level of atmospheric radio noise after geomagnetic
disturbances. - I. Acta Geodaet. Geoph. Mont. Hung., 8, 251-257,
- (Level of atmospheric radio noise (27 kHz) has
shown a geomagnetic after effect occurring with delay as compared to
geomagnetic activity increasing with decreasing latitude)
- Bencze, P., I. Szemerey and F. Märcz, The
measurement of the air-earth current in the Geophysical Observatory
near Nagycenk, Acta Geodaet. Geoph. Mont. Hung., 19, 347-352,
- (Equipment for the recording of the air-earth
current set up in the Nagycenk observatory is described)
- Bering III, E. A., A. A. Few, and
J. R. Benbrook. The global electric circuit; Physics Today, 51
(10), 24-30, 1998.
- (The review of the modern state of
understanding the processes in the global electric circuit and
relevant unsolved problems; for a non-specialist audience)
- Besprozvannaya, A.S., G.I. Ohl, B.I. Sazonov,
I.A. Sherba, T.I. Schuka, and O.A. Troshichev, Influence of
short-term changes in solar activity on baric field perturbations in
the stratosphere, J. Atmos. Solar-Terrestr. Phys., 59, 1233-1244,
- (Response of the stratospheric circulation to
different manifestations of the solar activity: changes in the
galactic cosmis ray flux, interplanetary sector crossings. Modulation
of these responses by the phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation
(QBO) or by the volcanic aerosols content in the stratosphere is also
(Original publication of the baric field
perturbations (the Sazonov index) being correlated with the short-term
changes in solar activity, such as active regions, Forbush decrease,
and the IMF sector structure)
- Bilitza, D., Science tools on the Internet -
Access to information, data and models, J. Atmos. Solar-Terrestr.
Phys., 61, 167-180, 1999.
- (An attempt to list the major web sites
relevant to Solar-Terrestrial Physics.)
- Blinova E. N. (ed.) Tables of the zonal
circulation indices at various constant pressure levels for
1949-1975, Hydrometeoizdat, St. Petersburg, 1978 (in
- (Description of atmosphere's zonal circulation
indices - Blinova indices.)
- Borszák, I. B. and P. Cummings,
Electrofreezing of water in molecular dynamics simulation accelerated
by oscillatory shear, Phys. Rev. E, 56, R6279-R6282,
- (Original publication on combined action of
electric fields and shear for freezing)
- Bourdarie, S., D. Boscher, T. Beutier,
J.-A. Sauvaud, and M. Blanc, Electron and proton radiation belt
dynamic simulation during storm periods: A new asymetric
convection-diffusion model, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 17541-17552, 1997.
- (A theoretical model for the evolution (in
space and time) of the proton and electron distributions during
magnetically disturbed periods, by using a non axisymetric model for
the internal magnetic field.)
- Boyle, C.B., P.H. Reiff, and M.R. Hairston,
Empirical polar cap potentials, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 111-125, 1997.
- (An empirical formula relating the polar cap
potential to solar wind parampeters: SW velocity, amplitude and
elevation (with respect to the ecliptic plane) of the SW magnetic
field. Data come from two DMSP satellites and IMP8
- Burns, G. B., A. V. Frank-Kamenetsky,
O. A. Troshichev, E. A. Bering, and V. O. Papitashvili, The
geoelectric field: a link between the troposphere and solar
variability, Ann. Glaciology, 27, 651-654, 1998.
- (Evidences are presented that the geoelectric
field at Vostok is modulated by the duskward component of the
Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF By))
- Butterweck, G., Natürliche Radionuclide
als Tracer zur Messung des turbulenten Austaushes und der trockenen
Deposition in der Umwelt. Doktordissertation, Universität
Göttingen, 1991.
- (A good and detailed review of the radon in
the nature written from the position of the Gättingen
== C ==
- Callis, L.B., and J.D. Lambeth, NOy formed by
precipitating electron events in 1991 and 1992: Descent into the
stratosphere as observed by ISAMS, Geophys. Res. Letters, 25,
1875-1878, 1998.
- (Observation of NO2 concentration increases at
lower and lower altitudes (and lower and lower latitudes) after
intense polar electron precipitation events.)
- Chanin, M.-L, P. Keckhut, A. Hauchecorne and
K. Labitzke, The solar activity-QBO effect in the lower thermosphere,
Ann. Geophys., 7, 463-470, 1989.
- (Extension to the thermosphere of the
relationship between temperature, QBO and solar cycle seen by
K. Labitzke below)
- Chanin, M.-L. and Keckhut, P., Influence on
the middle atmosphere of the 27-day and 11-year solar cycles:
radiative and/or dynamical forcing ?, J. Geomagn. Geoelectr.,
43, 647-655, 1991.
- (Comparison between the signatures of the 2
cycles on the temperature of the middle atmosphere. interpretation in
terms of planetary waves)
- Chanin, M.-L. and G. F. Toulinov, The polar
thermospheric temperature behaviour during the 11 year solar cycle,
J. Geophys. Res., 84, 406-410, 1979.
- (Evidence of an anti-correlation between the
temperature of the polar thermosphere and the 11-year solar
- Cho, M. and D. E. Hastings, Dielectric
Charging Processes and Arcing Rates of High Voltage Solar Arrays,
J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 28 698-706, 1991.
- (Computer simulation of spacecraft charging by
ionospheric plasma)
- Cho, M. and D. E. Hastings, An Analytical and
Particle Simulation Study of Localized Semi-Vacuum Gas Breakdown
Phenomena on High Voltage Surfaces in Low Earth Orbit, Phys. Fluid
B., 4, 2614-2625, 1992.
- (Computer simulation of arcing around a
spacecraft in low earth orbit)
- Cho, M. and D. E. Hastings, Computer Particle
Simulation of High Voltage Solar Array Arcing Onset, J. Spacecraft
and Rockets, 30, 189-201, 1993.
- (Computer simulation of arcing around a
spacecraft in low earth orbit)
- Cho, M., Ionosphere Ionization Effects on
Sheath Structure around a High Voltage Spacecraft, J. Spacecraft
and Rockets, 32, 1018-1026, 1995.
- (Computer simulation of arcing around a
spacecraft with a positive potential with respect to ionospheric
- Cho, M., and M.J. Rycroft, The decomposition
of CFCs in the tropsohere by lightning J. Atm. Sol.-Terr. Phys.,
59, 1373-1379, 1997.
- (Theoretical analsyis on decomposition method
of CFC by lightning energy)
- Cho, M., and M.J. Rycroft, Computer simulation
of the electric field structure and optical emission from cloud-top to
the ionosphere, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys., 60,
871-888, 1998.
- (Computer simulation of sprites and elves
caused by positive cloud-to-ground lightning discharge)
- Cho, M., Sheath Structrure around a High
Voltage Body in Magnetized Non-flowing Ionospheric Plasma,
J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 35, 82-89, 1998.
- (Computer simulation and theoretical analysis
of plasma conditions around a spacecraft with a positive high
potential with respect to ionospheric plasma)
- Cho, M., Ionization around a High Voltage Body
in Magnetized Non-flowing Ionospheric Plasma J. Spacecraft and
Rockets, 35, 90-99, 1998.
- (Computer simulation and theoretical analysis
of arcing around a spacecraft with a positive high potential with
respect to ionospheric plasma)
- Cho M., N. Miyata, M. Hikita, and S. Sasaki,
Discharge over Insulator Surafce of Spacecraft in Low Earth Orbit
Plasma Environment IEEE Transaction on Dielectrics and Electrical
Insulation, 6, 501--506, 1999.
- (Experiment of arcing on spacecraft insulator
surface charged by ionospheric ions)
- Cho M., N. Miyata, and M. Hikita, Effects of
Arcing on Insulator Surface Potential in Plasma: Image Observation,
J. Spacecraft and Rockets, to be published, 2000.
- (Experiment of arcing on spacecraft insulator
surface charged by ionospheric ions)
- Cyamukungu M., C. Lippens, L. Adams,
R. Nickson, C. Boeder, V. Pierrard, E. Daly, Gh. Gregoire, and
J. Lemaire, Magnetic storm acceleration of radiation belt
electrons observed by the Scintillating Fibre Detector (SFD)
onboard EQUATOR-S, Ann. Geophys., 17, 1622-1625, 1999.
- (Analysis of the radiation belts
observations of the Scintillator Fibre Detector onboard the
EQUATOR-S satellite.)
== D ==
- Dodson, H. W. and E. R. Hedeman, An
experimental Comprehensive Flare Index and its derivation for "major"
flares, 1955-1969, WDC-A Report UAG-14, U.S. Dept. of Commerce,
NOAA,, 1-25, 1971.
- (Characterization of solar flares using a
special method developed at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory)
== E ==
- Ebihara, Y., M. Ejiri, and M. Miyaoka, Coulomb
lifetime of the ring current ions with time varying plasmasphere,
Earth Planets Space, 50, 371-382, 1998.
- (A model of particle diffusion and convection
during three successive magnetic storms in April 1997. The flux of the
injected particle is empirically deduced from the measured solar wind
plasma density by using the Borowski et al. formula (JGR, 102,
22089, 1997). The convection electric field is related to the Kp index
through the Maynard and Chen model (JGR, 80, 1009, 1975).)
- Ebihara, Y., and M. Ejiri, Modeling of the
solar wind control of the ring current build up: A case study of the
magnetic storms in April 1997, Geophys. Res. Letters, 25,
3751-3754, 1998.
- (A model of the proton losses by Coulomb
collision and charge exchange during magnetic storms. Comparison with
data obtained with EXOS B.)
- Elster, J. and H. Geitel, Beschreibung des
Verfahrens zur Gewinnung vorübergehend radioaktiver Stoffe aus
der atmosphärischen Luft. Phys. Z., 3, 305-310, 1902.
- (A historical landmark of the research of the
natural radioactivity of the air, including first consideration of the
effect of electric field)
- Etcheto, J., R. Gendrin, and J.-F. Karczewski,
Enregistrement simultane des resonances de la cavite Terre-ionosphere
en deux stations distantes de 12000 km, Ann. Geophys., 22, 646-648,
- (The diurnal variation of the intensity of the
first mode measured on two orthogonal magnetic antennas at two
stations (Chambon-la-Foret, France, and Kerguelen islands, Indian
Ocean) gives a convincing information about the source
== F ==
- Fram, R. A., J. D. Winningham, J. R. Sharber,
R. Link, G. Crowley, E. E.Gaines, D. L.Chenette, B. J. Anderson, and
T. A. Potemera, The diffuse aurora: A significant source of ionization
in the middle atmosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 28,203-28,214, 1997.
- (Original model of ionization production by
relativistic electrons down to 20 km)
- Frank-Kamenetsky, A. V., G. B.Burns,
O. A.Troshichev, E. A. Bering and W. J. R.French, The geoelectric
field at Vostok, Antarctica: it’s relation to the interplanetary
magnetic field and the polar cap potential, J. Atmos. Solar
Terr. Phys., submitted 1999.
- (Original analysis of solar wind effects on
surface electric field at Vosyok, Antarctica)
- Frank-Kamenetsky, A. V., O. A. Troshichev,
G. B. Burns, and V. O. Papitashvili, Variations of the atmospheric
electric field in the near-pole region related to the interplanetary
magnetic field, J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2000.
- (It is shown that atmospheric electric field
Ez at the antarctic station Vostok is strongly affected by variations
in both the IMF By and Bz components. An effect of By is dominant
during geomagnetic daytime hours (1100-1400 UT at Vostok): Ez grows
when By increases and reduces when By decreases. The IMF Bz effect is
mainly seen at dawn (Ez grows for Bz < 0) and dusk (Ez grows for Bz >
- Friis-Christensen, E. and K. Lassen, Length of
the solar cycle: an indicator of solar activity closely associated
with climate, Science, 254, 698-700, 1991.
- (Original publication of the solar cycle
length being correlated with the northern hemisphere land surface
- Fuchs, N. A., The Mechanics of Aerosols,
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1964.
- (A comprehensive high-level textbook of
aerosol physics)
- Füllekrug, M.,
in Magnetic-Field Components, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 57,
655, 1994.
- (Report on lightning flash excitation by
reoccurring whistlers.)
- Füllekrug, M., Schumann resonances in
magnetic field components, J. Atmos. Terrestr. Phys., 57, 479-484,
- (The diurnal variation of the intensity of the
first mode measured on two orthogonal magnetic antennas at one station
(Göttingen) is representative of the displacement of the source
region in longitude. [But the peak frequencies of the two components
have different diurnal variations].)
- Füllekrug, M., E.A. Bering,
A.C. Fraser-Smith, and A.A. Few, On
the Hourly Contribution of Global Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Activity
to the Atmospheric Electric Field in the Antarctic during December
1992, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys., 61, 745-750, 1999.
- (Evidence for little contribution of global
lightning activity to the atmospheric electric field on the hourly
time scale.)
- Füllekrug, M., and S. Constable, Global
Triangulation of Intense Lightning Discharges,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 333-336, 2000.
- (Report on the determination of global
lightning activity by earth-ionosphere cavity resonances.)
- Füllekrug, M., and A.C. Fraser-Smith, Further
Evidence for a Global Correlation of the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity
Resonances, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 2773-2776, 1996.
- (The daily mean values of the intensities of
the first two modes on one magnetic component at three stations
(Antarctica, Greenland, and California), for 4 months in 1990,
presents a semi-periodicity of 20-30 days, in close connection with
the fluctuation of the sunspot number.)
(Evidence for modulation
of global lightning activity with the solar rotation
- Füllekrug, M., and A.C. Fraser-Smith, Global
Lightning and Climate Variability Inferred From ELF Magnetic Field
Variations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 2411-2414, 1997.
- (Determination of climate properties by use of
global lightning activity.)
- Füllekrug, M., A. C. Fraser-Smith,
E. A. Bering, and A. A. Few. On the hourly contribution of global
cloud-to ground lightning activity to the atmospheric electric field
in the Antarctic during December 1992;
J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys. 61, 745-750, 1999.
- (It was found the quantitative contribution of
thunderstorm generator to the value and variation of electric field
near the ground.)
- Füllekrug, M., and S.C. Reising, Excitation
of Earth-Ionosphere Cavity Resonances by Sprite-Associated Lightning
Flashes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 4145-4148, 1998.
- (Connection between sprites and
earth-ionosphere cavity resonance excitations.)
- Fukuta, N, A study of a mechanism for contact
ice nucleation, J. Atmos. Sci., 32, 1597-1603, 1975.
- (Original discussion of microphysics of
contact nucleation)
== G ==
- Gendrin, R., and R. Stefant, Effet de
l'explosion thermonucleaire a tres haute altitude du 9 juillet 1962
sur la resonance de la cavite Terre-ionosphere: Resultats
experimentaux, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 255, 2273-2275, 1962.
- (The peak frequencies of the first three modes
(one magnetic component at Chambon la Foret) had decreased after the
high altitude thermo-nuclear explosion. [This is opposite to the
result obtained by Schlegel and Füllekrug (J.G.R., 104, 10111,
1999, see below), who have observed an increase of the frequency of
the first mode following intense solar electron events].)
- Gierens, K., and M. Ponater, Comment on
"Variation of cosmic ray flux and global cloud coverage - a missing
link in solar-climate relationships", J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys.,
61, 795-797, 1999.
- (A strong criticism of Svensmark and
Friis-Christensen's findings (see below))
== H ==
- Hastings, D. E. and M. Cho, Ion Drag for a
Negatively Biased Solar Array in Low Earth Orbit, J.Spacecraft and
Rockets, 27 279-284, 1990.
- (Computer simulation of spacecraft plasma
environmental interaction in ionospheric plasma)
- Hastings, D.E., M. Cho, and H. Kuninaka, The
Arcing Rate for a High Voltage Solar Array: Theory, Experiment and
Predictions, J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 29 538-554, 1992.
- (Computer simulation and experiment of arcing
induced by spacecraft charging in ionosphere)
- Hastings, D.E., M. Cho, and J. Wang, Space
Station Freedom Structure Floating Potential and the Probability of
Arcing, J. Spacecraft and Rockets, 29, 830-834, 1992.
- (Computer simulation of charging of large
spacecraft in ionosphere)
- Hays, P.B. and R.G. Roble, A quasi-static
model of global atmospheric electricity, I. The lower atmosphere,
J. Geophys. Res., 84, 3291-3305, 1979.
- (Original model of global electric circuit,
focussing on troposphere)
- Heath, D.F. and A.J. Krueger, Solar proton
event: influence on stratospheric ozone, Science, 197,
886-889, 1977.
- ()
- Henshaw, D. L., Ross, A. N., Fews, A. P., and
Preece, A. W., Enhanced deposition of radon daughter nuclei in the
vicinity of power frequency electromagnetic
fields. Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 69, 25-38, 1996.
- (The paper that has initiated a hot discussion
about the effect of electric field on the deposition of radioactive
- Herman, J. R. and R. A. Goldberg, Sun,
Weather, and Climate, NASA, SP-426, Washington, D. C., 1978.
- (Extensive account of observations and
theories of solar activity influencing weather and climate)
- Heynderickx, D., M. Kruglanski,
V. Pierrard, J. Lemaire, M. D. Looper, and J. B. Blake, A low
altitude trapped proton model for solar minimum conditions based
on SAMPEX/PET data, IEEE Trans. Nuclear Sci., 46, 1475,
- (Measurements of the Proton/Electron
Telescope on SAMPEX are used to model empirically the low
altitude trapped proton radiation belt during solar minimum
- Hines, C. O. and I. Halevy, On the reality and
nature of a certain Sun-weather correlation, J. Atmos. Sci.,
34, 382-404, 1977.
- (Independent analysis confirms reality of
Wilcox effect of Vorticity Area Index)
- Hobbs, P. V. and A. L. Rangno, Ice particle
concentrations in clouds, J. Atmos. Sci., 42, 2523-2549,
- (Original paper on aircraft data on clouds,
suggesting contact nucleation by unknown process)
== I ==
- Israelsson, S., E. Knudsen, and H. Tammet, An
experiment to examine the covariation of atmospheric vertical currents
at two separate stations, J. Atm. Electr., Vol.14, No.1,,
63-73, 1994.
- (Simultaneous measurements with two long-wire
antennas have been carried out. The distance between the antennas was
13 km)
- Israelsson S., and R. Lelwala, Space charge
density measurements downwind from a traffic route, J. Atm. Res.,
51 301-307, 1999.
- (On the distribution of space charge density
downwind from a traffic route, E4. Experimental results)
== J ==
== K ==
- Keckhut, P. and Chanin, M. L., Middle
atmosphere response to the 27-day solar rotation as observed by lidar,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 809-812, 1992.
- (Further study of the variation of the
temperature with the 27-day cycle)
- Keckhut, P., Hauchecorne, A. and Chanin,
M. L., Midlatitude long-term variability of the middle atmosphere:
Trends and cyclic and episodic changes, J. Geophys. Res., 100,
18887-18897, 1995.
- (The 11-year solar cycle is shown to be
modulating the long term cooling observed on the middle atmosphere
- Kirkland, M. W., B. A. Tinsley and
J. T. Hoeksema, Are stratospheric aerosols the missing link between
tropospheric vorticity and earth transits of the heliospheric current
sheet? J. Geophys. Res., 101, 29,689-29,699, 1996.
- (Original analysis confirms Wilcox effect
returned with Pinatubo stratospheric volcanic sulfuric acid)
- Kischka, P.V., I.V. Dmitrieva, and
V.N. Obridko, Long-term variations of the solar-geomagnetic
correlation, solar irradiance, and northern hemisphere temperature
(1868-1997), J. Atmos. Solar-Terrestr. Phys., 61, 799-808, 1999.
- (Content of the paper is precisely defined in
the title.)
- Kodera, K., Influence of the solar cycle on
climate through stratospheric processes, in "The stratosphere and its
role in the climate system", G.P. Brasseur ed., Springer Verlag, 1997,
pp. 83-98.
- (A review of the relationships between the 11
year solar cycle, the quasi-biennial oscillation and the atmospheric
circulation at stratospheric altitudes.)
- Kondratyev K. Ya., Nikolsky G. A., The solar
constant and climate, Solar Phys., 89, 215, 1983
- (The cyclic variation of the galactic cosmic
ray flux intensity causes a corresponding variation of the atmospheric
transparency at stratospheric heights.)
- Kozira, J.U., V.K. Jordanova, R.B. Horne, and
R.M. Thorne, Modeling of the contribution of electromagnetic ion
cyclotron (EMIC) waves to storm time ring current erosion,
in "Magnetic Storms", Geophysical Monograph 98, American Geophysical
Union, 1997, pp. 187-202.
- (A semi-morphological model of the possible
role of EMIC on proton precipitation during a geomagnetic
- Kundt, W. and Thuma G., Geoelectricity:
atmospheric charging and thunderstorms, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys.,
61, 955-963, 1999.
- (I added another term to Maxwell's current:
the falling, heavy aerosols. I should be most interested in seeing
that paper tested.)
== L ==
- Labitzke, K., Sunspots, the QBO and the
stratospheric temperature in the north polar region,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 14, 535-537, 1987.
- (Report on links between solar activity and
atmospheric parameters also regarding QBO)
- Labitzke, K. and M.-L. Chanin, Changes in the
Middle Atmosphere in Winter related to the 11-year solar cycle,
Ann. Geophys., 6, 643-644, 1988.
- (evidence of a signature of alterned sign of
the solar influence on the temperature of the middle
- Lambour, R.L., L.A. Weiss, R.C. Elphic, and
M.F. Thomsen, Global modeling of the plasmasphere following storm
sudden commencements, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 24351-24368, 1997.
- (Study of the plasmaspheric and ionospheric
refilling processes after Ssc events. Description of the Rice
University "Magnetospheric Specification and Forecast Model
- Lanzerotti, L.J., L.V. Medford, D.S. Sayres,
C.G. Maclennan, R.P. Lepping, and A. Szabo, Space weather: Response
of large-scale geopotentials to an interplanetary magnetic cloud,
J. Geophys. Res., 103, 9351-9356, 1998.
- (Relationship between the potential difference
induced in a submarine transmission cable, the Akasofu e parameter and
the Dst magnetic index.)
- Larsen, M. F. and M. C. Kelley, A study of an
observed and forecasted meteorological index and its relation to the
interplanetary magnetic field, Geophys. Res. Lett., 4,
337-340, 1977.
- (Analysis shows Wilcox effect detected even
when weak by correlations with forecasted VAI)
- Lastovicka, J., Influence of the IMF sector
boundaries on cosmic rays and tropospheric vorticity,
Stud. Geophys. Geod., 31, 213-218, 1987.
- (Original analysis shows Wilcox effect not due
to cosmic ray changes)
- Lauter, E. A. and R. Knuth, Precipitation of
high energy particles into the upper atmosphere at medium latitudes
after magnetic storms, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 29, 411-417,
- (Presentation of evidences for changes in the
lower ionosphere associated with ionizing particles precipitating from
the magnetosphere following geomagnetic disturbances)
- Lelwala, R., S. Israelsson and
K. P. S. C. Jayaratne, Measurement of space charge density over flat
ground in nearly neutral stratified atmospheric surface layer,
J. Atmos. Electr., Vol. 17, No. 2 59-68, 1997.
- (Distrubution of space charge density over
flat ground in different meteorological conditions)
- Lemaire, J.F., Hydrostatic equilibrium and
convective stability in the plasmasphere,
J. Atmos. Solar-Terrestr. Phys., 61, 867-878, 1999.
- (A theoretical discussion of the
hydrostatic/barometric model of a corotating plasmasphere. Evidence of
a continuous plasmaspheric wind during prolonged magnetically quiet
- Liemohn, M.W., G.W. Kahazanov, P.D. Craven,
and J.U.Kozira, Non linear kinetic modeling of early stage
plasmaspheric refilling, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 10295-10306, 1999.
- (Numerical simulation of the plasma refilling
process by solving the kinetic equations that govern the plasma
displacement along field lines. The role of a self-consistant
electric field and of the anisotropy of the hot plasma population on
the refilling rate is stressed.)
- Lindsay, G.M., C.T. Russell, and J.G. Luhman,
Predictability of Dst index based upon solar wind conditions monitored
inside 1 AU, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 10335-10344, 1999.
- (Comparison between observed Dst and Dst
computed from measured solar wind parameters by using ISEE data and
the Burton et al.(J.G.R., 80, 4204, 1975) formula. Suggestion for
using a solar wind monitor situated at 0.7 AU, Earth synchronised and
"powered" by a solar sail.)
- Lockwood, J. A., List of Forbush decreases
1954-1990, Solar Geophys. Data, 549, 154-163, 1990.
- (A compilation of Forbush decrease events
selected on the basis of appropriate criteria)
== M ==
- Maksimovic, M., V. Pierrard and
J. Lemaire, A kinetic model of the solar wind with Kappa
distributions in the corona, Astron. Astrophys., 324,
725--734, 1997.
- (The Lorentzian model is adapted for the
solar wind: high velocities of the fast solar wind can be
obtained at large radial distances with realistic temperature
conditions in the solar corona if the velocity distribution
function of the electrons is assumed to enhanced in high energy
electrons at the exobase.)
- Maksimovic M., V. Pierrard, J. Lemaire
and D. Larson, Electron velocity distribution functions from the
solar wind to the corona, Solar wind nine, AIP conference
proceedings, 471, 267--268, 1999.
- (Presentation of the results of the
collisional model of the solar wind.)
- Maksimovic, M., V. Pierrard and P. Riley,
Ulysses electron distributions fitted with Kappa functions,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 9, 1151--1154, 1997.
- (Electron velocity distribution functions
measured by Ulysses in the solar wind are fitted with Lorentzian
functions: the kappa index, related to the importance of the
suprathermal tails, are found to be between 2 and 7.)
- Märcz, F., On connections between
ionospheric absorption and atmospheric electricity by
investigating data of several parameters, Acta
Geodaet. Geophys. Mont. Acad. Sci. Hung., 10, 449-458, 1975.
- (Results on changes in different atmospheric
electric parameters determined at mid-latitude connected with the
increase of ionospheric absorption of radio waves after geomagnetic
- Märcz, F., Links between atmospheric
electricity and ionospheric absorption due to extraterrestrial
influences, J. Geophys. Res., 81, 4566-4570, 1976.
- (Original publication of evidences for an
increased atmospheric electric potential gradient measured on the
ground at two mid-latitude stations associated with anomalously high
ionospheric absorption of radio waves also observed at
- Märcz, F., Solar electron fluxes,
increased geomagnetic activity and ionospheric absorption following
selected flares, J. Geophys., 45, 91-100, 1978.
- (A study on changes in geomagnetic activity
and ionospheric absorption at times of solar flares selected on the
basis of several important characteristics)
- Märcz F., Atmospheric electric potential
gradient following selected flare events,
Publs. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sci., D-26 (198), 85-95, 1987.
- (Results showing a delayed increase in the
ground based atmospheric electric potential gradient after selected
flares mostly connected with absorption after-effects)
- Märcz, F., Atmospheric electricity and
the 11-year solar cycle associated with QBO, Ann. Geophysicae,
8, 525-530, 1990.
- (Evidences for correlation between solar
activity and atmospheric electricity on a long time scale when taking
into account the phase of the QBO)
- Märcz, F., Short-term changes in
atmospheric electricity associated with Forbush decreases,
J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 59, 975-982, 1997.
- (Analyses detecting a decrease of the
atmospheric electric potential gradient observed at Nagycenk/Hungary
associated with Forbush decrease events selected from different
- Märcz, F., Short term changes in
atmospheric electricity associated with Forbush decreases,
J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 59, 975-982, 1997.
- (Analysis shows expected reduction of near
surface vertical electric field with Forbush decreases)
- Märcz, F. and P. Bencze, Variations of
the atmospheric electric potential gradient at Nagycenk
Observatory. Acta Geodaet. Geoph. Mont. Hung., 16, 415-422, 1981.
- (Daily, annual and long term variations of the
atmospheric electric potential gradient recorded in the Nagycenk
observatory are described)
- Märcz, F. and P. Bencze, Surplus of
negative charge flow in point-discharge current as shown by variations
on different time scales at Nagycenk station,
J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 60, 1435 - 1443, 1998.
- (Based on diurnal, annual and long term
variations in the point-discharge current a negative charge flow to
the ground has been demonstrated for a mid-latitude station, as well
as simultaneous results obtained at different stations are
- Mansurov, S. M., L. G. Mansurova,
G. S.,Mansurov, V. V.Mikhenvich, and A. M.Visotsky, North-south
asymmetry of geomagnetic and tropospheric events,
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 36, 1957-1962, 1974.
- (Original analysis shows polar surface
pressures respond to changes in interplanetary magnetic
- Mareev, E. A., S. Israelsson, E. Knudsen,
A. V. Kalinin, M. M. Novozhenov, Studies of an artificially generated
electrode effect at ground level, Ann. Geophys., V.14, N10,
1095-1101, 1996.
- (Artificially generated electrode effect at
ground level have been measured by using big metallic net. Theoretical
calculations are included)
- Miles, J. C. H. and R. A. Algar, Measurement
of radon decay product concentration under power
lines. Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 74, 193-194, 1997.
- (The first strong criticism to Henshaw and his
- Misumi, Y., The tropospheric response to the
passage of solar sector boundaries, J. Meteorol. Soc. Jpn.,
61, 686-694, 1983.
- (Arctic mid-troposphere temperatures show
reduction at sector boundary crossings for Agung volcanic sulfuric
acid years)
- Mühleisen, R., The global circuit and its
parameters, in Electrical Processes in Atmospheres, Eds. Dolezalek,
H. and R. Reiter, Steinkopff-Darmstadt, 467-476, 1977.
- (Study of the main parameters of the global
atmospheric electric circuit, and discussion on Wilson's
== N ==
- NAS, Solar Variability, Weather and
Climate, Geophys. Res. Board, Nat. Acad. Press, Washington, D. C.,
- (Review by experts on all aspects of what was
known on solar activity-weather effects to 1981)
- NAS, The Earth's Electrical
Environment, Geophys. Res. Board, Nat. Acad. Press, Washington,
D. C., 1986.
- (Review by experts on what was known on global
circuit and atmospheric electricity to 1985)
- NAS, Solar Influences on Global Change,
Geophys. Res. Board, Nat. Acad. Press, Washington, D. C., 1994.
- (Review of solar irradiance variations, UV
effects on ozone, and atmospheric correlations on decadal
- Ney, E. R., Cosmic radiation and the weather,
Nature, 183, 451-452, 1959.
- (First indication that cosmic rays might
have an effect on weather and climate, since the parameter of the
lower atmosphere with the largest modulation due to solar activity
is the abundance of ions produced by cosmic rays.)
- Nickolaenko, A.P., Modern aspects of Schumann
resonance studies, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys. 59, 805-816, 1997.
- (Schumann resonances provide valuable
informations on the properties of the lower ionosphere together with
the characteristics of global lightning activity.)
- Nickolaenko, A.P., G. Sátori,
B. Zieger, L.M. Rabinowicz, and I.G. Kudintseva, Parameters of global
thunderstorm activity deduced from the long-term Schumann resonances
records, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys. 60, 387-399, 1998.
- (Among others, the semiannual areal variation
of global thunderstorm activity has been deduced from SR observations
at Nagycenk.)
== O ==
== P ==
- Pesnell, W.D., R.A. Goldberg, C.H. Jackman,
D.L. Chenette, and E.E. Gaines, A search of UARS data for ozone
depletions caused by highly relativistic electron precipitation events
of May 1992, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 165-175, 1999.
- (Optical and microwave measurements at the
limb are used for infering the ozone content at stratospheric
altitudes. Measurements are made at times of relativistic electron
precipitation events detected on board the same spacecraft.)
- Pierrard V., and J. Lemaire, Fitting the
AE-8 energy spectra with two maxwellian functions,
Radiat. Meas., 26, 3, 333-337, 1996.
- (The electron radiation belt spectra of
the model AE8 are fitted by two maxwellian functions to obtain
densities and energies of both populations.)
- Pierrard V., and J. Lemaire, Lorentzian
ion exosphere model, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7923--7934,
- (An analytic model of the ion exosphere
is developed assuming a Lorentzian velocity distribution function
at the exobase. The enhancement in suprathermal electrons have
important consequences on the temperature profiles in the outer
- Pierrard V. and J. Lemaire, Corrections
to the Lorentzian ion exosphere model,
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