Abstracts (see programme)
All abstracts are ordered alphabetically
according to the first author.
- Aplin, K. L., and R. G. Harrison; Modern atmospheric
ion measurements
- Arnold, N.; Space plasma forcing of the winter
stratosphere via planetary wave coupling with the thermosphere
- Bago, E. P., and C. J. Butler; Sunshine, clouds and
cosmic rays
- Baranyi, T., and A. Ludmany; Averages of the IMF
components of the different type of activities in the GSE system
- Bochnícek, J., P. Hejda, and J. Pýcha; Possible
geomagnetic and solar activity effects on pressure and wind
directions in the winter lower troposphere
- Chum, J., J. Vojta, and J. Lastovicka; High Altitude
Lightning Observation System - HALOS
- Frank-Kamenetsky, A., and G. Burns; Space processes
and electrical changes influencing atmospheric layers
- Füllekrug, M.; Turning sprites upside down: A
- Goldberg, R. A., W. D. Pesnell, and C. H. Jackman; Do
precipitating electrons cause long-term changes in atmospheric
- Grewe, V.; Modelling the NOx - Production by lightning
and its impact upon the atmosphere
- Harrison, R. G., and K. L. Aplin; Atmospheric
ion-aerosol interactions
- Inan, U. S.; Conjugate purple sprites, relativistic
electron curtains, sprite halos, early/fast conductivity changes,
and electron precipitation events
- Israelsson, S.; Effect of wind on antennas collecting
the vertical air-earth electric current
- Kristjansson, J. E., and J. Kristiansen; On possible
connections between cosmic rays, global cloud cover and climate
- Lam, M. M., and A. S. Rodger; The effect of Forbush
decreases at South Pole
- Lastovicka, J.; Effects of geomagnetic storms and
Forbush decreases of cosmic ray flux on total ozone at higher
middle latitudes
- Mareev, E. A.; Aerosol effects on terrestrial
electromagnetic enviroment and their EHD description
- Morozova, A. L., and M. I. Pudovkin; Variations of
atmospheric pressure during SPE and Forbush-decreases
- Morozova, A. L., M. I. Pudovkin, and P. Thejll;
Variations of pressure altitudinal profiles at high-latitudinal
- Neubert, T., T. H. Allin, H. Stenbaek-Nielsen, E. Blanc,
M. Füllekrug, and G. Satori, Results from the first
European Sprite Observation Campaign
- Price, C.; Schumann resonance as an indicator of
upper tropospheric water vapor
- Price, C.; Observations of ELF sprites from Israel
- Pulinets, S. A., K. A. Boyarchuk, V. V. Hegai, and
D. R. Shklyar; Ground-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere
coupling conception
- Rycroft, M. J.; Some suggested objectives for the
SPECIAL meeting in Lindau, 8 to 11 November 2000
- Schlegel, K.; Solar and geomagnetic data and data
sources for SPECIAL investigations
- Schlegel, K.; Solar activity and lightning
- Svensmark, H.; Atmospheric ionisation by cosmic rays
and Earth's cloud cover.
- Tammet, H., and S. Israelsson; Variation of fair
weather atmospheric electricity at Marsta Observatory, Sweden,
1993-1998. (Extended abstract available
as PDF only.)
- Tinsley, B. A.; Electroscavenging and the production
of ice in cold clouds and of large condensation nuclei in warm
- Tonev, P. T.; Lightning-induced quasi electrostatic
fields above equatorial thunderstorms
- Troshichev, O. A., E. S. Gorshkov, S. N. Shapovalov, and
V. V. Sokolovsky; Influence of the gravitational field
variations on processes in animate and inanimate nature
- Troshichev, O. A., V. Ya. Vovk, and L. V. Egorova;
Disturbances in the wind system above the Antarctic caused by
variations of cosmic rays and their relationship to the southern
atmospheric oscillations
- Troshichev, O. A., L. V. Egorova, and V. Ya. Vovk;
variations in temperature and atmospheric pressure in the
southern near-pole region: Effects of the galactic cosmic rays,
solar protons and interplanetary shocks
- Tulunay, Y, E Tulunay, and E T Senalp; Neural network
based approach to forecast ionospheric parameters
- Turunen, E., Th.Ulich, P. Verronen, and
E. Kyrölä; Effects of precipitating high energy
particles in the mesosphere: Present and future applications of
the Sodankylä Ion Chemistry Model
- Tyler, R.; The potential for monitoring the global
circuit from ocean straits
- Ulich, Th.; Ground-based monitoring of space weather
in Finland and Northern Scandinavia
- Ulich, Th.; How accurately do we know the lengths of
the sunspot cycles?
- Ulich, Th., M. Füllekrug, and J. Manninen; Large
scale campaign for simultaneous measurements of ionospheric
conductivity profiles by ELF receivers, incoherent scatter
radars, and riometers in Northern Fenno-Scandia
- Zieger, B., and G. Satori; Solar and tropospheric
variability effects on Schumann resonances
Modern atmospheric ion measurements
Karen L. Aplin(1) and R. Giles Harrison(2)
- Atmospheric Sciences Research Group, Department of
Environmental Sciences, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield
Campus, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts., AL10 9BD UK
- Department of Meteorology, The University of Reading, PO Box
243, Earley Gate, Reading, RG6 6BB UK
There is a long history of laboratory experiments establishing
nanometre-sized aerosol formation from air ions, resulting from
radiolytic processes [e.g. 1,2]. However, any mechanism of
atmospheric aerosol particle formation in the atmosphere at
typical atmospheric radioactivity levels remains
uncertain. Recent theoretical work suggests that ion-ion
recombination, and other electrically enhanced processes can
explain observed rates of atmospheric condensation nucleus
formation [3]. Measurement of atmospheric ion growth is clearly
necessary to corroborate this theory. Since the electrical
mobility of ions is inversely related to their mass, then ion
mobility spectra can directly monitor ionic growth. A new
Programmable Ion Mobility Spectrometer (PIMS) instrument has been
developed which can measure ions in two modes, facilitating
self-calibration. A new numerical approach to calculate ion
mobility spectra has been developed. This exploits the
programmable features of the instrument, permitting
self-validation of ion mobility spectra, and detection of
ion-induced condensation nucleus formation.
[1] Bricard J. et al, Formation and evolution of nuclei of
condensation that appear in air initially free of aerosols
J. Geophys. Res., 73, 448 (1968)
[2] Burke T.P and Scott J.A., The production of condensation
nuclei by alpha radiation, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 73, A, 151-158
[3] Yu F. and Turco R.P., Ultrafine aerosol formation by
ion-mediated nucleation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 883-886
Space plasma forcing of the winter stratosphere via planetary wave
coupling with the thermosphere
Neil Arnold
In the winter months, the middle atmosphere circulation is
dominated by dynamical forcing due to the absence of strong
diabatic heating. In contrast, the thermosphere experiences
considerable perturbations due to energetic particles from the
solar wind travelling along open field lines at high magnetic
latitudes. Waves propagating upwards from the lower atmosphere
are strongly influenced by these changes and through a process
related to 'downward control' exert a forcing on the
stratosphere. Using a three-dimensional model of the atmosphere
between ~10-130 km, several dozen perturbation studies have
been carried out. Realistic geomagnetic conditions can bring
about changes in the stratosphere comparable to those achieved
using variations in ultraviolet flux between solar minimum and
solar maximum.
Sunshine, clouds and cosmic rays
E. P. Bago and C. J. Butler
Armagh Observatory
Our analysis of the new ISCCP D2 cloud data reveals that there
is a correspondence between the low cloud cover and the galactic
cosmic ray flux. Using several proxies for solar activity and
the radiative forcing for the ISCCP cloud types, we estimate the
possible impact that such a solar-terrestrial connection may have
on climate and find that much of the warming of the past century
could be quantitatively accounted for by the direct and indirect
effects of solar activity. We have also analysed the behaviour of
the available proxies for cloud cover existing for the last
century, searching for the cloud cover decrease predicted by the
low cloud - cosmic ray flux correlation. The sunshine records and
the synoptic cloud records both indicate that the total cloud
cover over the oceans has increased during the past century but
the evidence for a low cloud decrease is unclear.
Averages of the IMF components of the different type of
activities in the GSE system
T. Baranyi and A. Ludmany
Heliophysical Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Debrecen, P.O.Box 30, Hungary
In the previous papers (Baranyi et al. 1998, GRL 25, 2269, and
references therein) we studied the tropospheric responses by
using the classified events in aa-index and the surface
temperature data of several stations on the Earth's northern
hemisphere. It was found that the solar particle events
originating from the Sun's polar regions affect the troposphere
in a way that is opposite to solar particle events from the Sun's
active belt regions. On the other hand, there is a 22-year
periodicity in which the solar active belt's effects cause
opposite tropospheric effects in the alternating dipole cycles,
and its sense in a given solar cycle is opposite to that given to
the polar effects. Where this phenomenon is detectable depends
on the geographic position. The complex behavior found on the
eastern side of the Earth's northern hemisphere is reversed on
the western side of it, and the separating border lies close to
the meridian crossing the magnetic pole. These results imply
that the physical mechanism linking the solar and tropospheric
changes may be sensitive to the specific spatial conditions and
magnetic polarity distributions. The Bz component of the IMF
determines the rate of energy transfer: when Bz is negative,
considerably more energy penetrates into the near-Earth
environment than in the case of Bz positive. But the By component
can modulate this process, causing marked asymmetries in
magnetospheric convective flow patterns at high latitudes. As
the z-component of the electric field is altered due to the
reversal of the By component, By is the most plausible candidate
for the cause of the reported effects. Tinsley (Space
Sci. Rev. 2000) found that the linkage between the solar
particles and atmospheric circulation is the change in Jz
air-Earth current density in the global electric circuit due to
solar wind modulation. On the bases of these results and
theoretical expectations we proposed that the magnetic flux ropes
coming from the active region belts might have a By component
which differs from that of the background IMF. In the present
paper we studied the statistical properties of the By and Bz
components of the different types of corpuscular events in the
GSE system and their dependence on the solar dipole cycles by
using the OMNI data.
Possible geomagnetic and solar activity effects on pressure
and wind directions in the winter lower troposphere
J. Bochnícek, P. Hejda, and J. Pýcha
Geophysical Institute ASCR, Prague 4, Czech Republic
Distributions of surface air-pressure fields of northern
winter troposphere in the years 1952-1998 were
analyzed. Composite maps showed, that character of the
distribution of those fields depends on the level of
geomagnetic/solar activity and that after stratifying the
pressure data according to the QBO phases the dependence on the
activity level increases. It appears that the distribution of
these fields during the QBO-east phase is more closely associated
with geomagnetic activity than with solar activity, whereas
during the QBO-west phase the effect of both activities is
comparable. Composite maps of the wind magnitudes and prevailing
directions showed marked differences between high and low levels
of activities and east and west phases. The conclusions of Venne
and Dartt (J. Climate, 1990) concerning strong northward wind
component near Greenland and Iceland during the solar minimum and
QBO-west phase were confirmed.
High Altitude Lightning Observation System - HALOS
Jaroslav Chum, Jaroslav Vojta, and Jan Lastovicka
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Bocní II, 141 31 Prague 4, Czech
The main aim of the development of HALOS system is to detect
effects of lightnings in the middle atmosphere and lower
ionosphere, particularly simultaneous detection of optical
phenomena like red sprites and blue jets on the one hand, and
electromagnetic phenomena (VLF/ELF) on the other hand, from one
platform (satellite or balloon).
The following set of instruments would ensure complex
observations of the above phenomena:
- Analysis of electromagnetic waves:
- 3-axis DC magnetometer
- 3-axis search coil magnetometer
- 3-axis electric field measurement
- Optical measurements:
- Photometers on spectral lines of supposed emissions: neutral N2
at 650-700 nm and 730-780 nm, atomic oxygen at 540-640 nm
(557.7, 630, 636.4 nm) - red sprite, N2+ emission at 425-430
nm, N2+ and N2 2PG emissions at 330-400 nm - blue jet
- Black and white survey camera, record triggered by photometer
- Environment characteristics:
- Temperature measurement
- Pressure measurement
- Electric conductivity measurement
- Wind measurement
- Acoustic measurement:
The Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Prague has sufficient
experience with constructing space instruments. We designed and
constructed, among others, five MAGION subsatellites, instruments
for electric field measurements, search coil magnetometer, and
supporting systems like attitude determination, telemetry and
command system. We are also able to ensure the design of
photometers and optionally of other instruments.
Space processes and electrical changes influencing
atmospheric layers
A. Frank-Kamenetsky(1), and G. Burns(2)
- Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, Australia
Variations in the atmospheric, near-surface vertical electric
field measured at the Southern near-pole station Vostok (78.5(S,
107(E, L=75.0) in 1998, 1999 and 2000 have been analyzed in
conjunction with changes of the ionospheric electric field and
interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Comparison of 1-minute data
on electric field and meteorological observations makes it
possible to establish quantitative criteria for "fair weather"
conditions. More then 200 days satisfied the "fair weather"
conditions have been selected, i.e. days with absence of high
winds, falling or drifting snow, clouds, and electric field
"pollution" from the station's power plant.
It is shown that the average diurnal variation of Ez for these
days follows the global geoelectric field "fair - weather"
diurnal variation, which describes the global electric circuit
formed by the thunderstorm activity. The Ez diurnal variation
shows strong seasonal dependence: it is maximal in summer but
gradually reduces through the equinoctial months and is almost
negligible during the austral winter. We demonstrate the direct
association of the geoelectric field with the cross polar cap
potential difference: Ez at Vostok is strongly affected by
variations in IMF Bz component. The IMF Bz effect is mainly seen
at dawn (Ez decreases with Bz ) and dusk (Ez increases with
Bz). The PC index of magnetic activity, characterizing the
general state of the magnetosphere, can be used a proxy for the
atmospheric electric field in these time intervals. The influence
of By is dominant during geomagnetic daytime hours (1100-1400 UT
at Vostok): Ez increases with By in the range from -10 to +10
Turning sprites upside down: A proposal
Martin Füllekrug
In this talk I want to draw the attention to the possibility
of studying possible particle precipitation effects on the
Earth's weather by detailed theoretical studies of the inverse
process, i.e. particle acceleration from the tropopause to the
ionosphere in the context of Sprite generation.
Modelling the NOx - Production by lightning and its impact upon
the atmosphere
Volker Grewe
DLR-Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere, Oberpfaffenhofen,
Tropospheric ozone is one of the greenhouse gases, which is
anthropogenically changed since pre-industrial times. It is
produced mainly in the troposphere. One of the most important
precursors is NOx. Its sources are poorly known. A natural
source, which realeases NOx in the whole atmosphere is lightning.
Here we present parametrizations of the horizontal and vertical
distribution of lightning, the related 4-dimensional NOx
production and the impact on the global NOx and ozone
distribution. Calculated flash frequencies, NOx and ozone
concentrations will be compared with satellite and aircraft
Do precipitating electrons cause long-term changes in
atmospheric ozone?
R. A. Goldberg(1), W. D. Pesnell(2), and
C. H. Jackman(1)
- NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
- Nomad Research, Inc.
Prior to the launch of UARS, highly-relativistic electron
precipitation (HRE) events containing significant fluxes of
electrons with E > 100 keV were predicted to deplete
stratospheric and mesospheric ozone up to 20%. The chemical
signature of an HRE is the depletion of ozone within the
magnetically controlled region of deposition and a distinct
boundary equatorward of the L=3 magnetic shell. We have searched
for these effects in three of the instruments on UARS. High
resolution data from CLAES and MLS did not show a definitive
effect in the ozone mixing ratio during the May 1992 HRE, the
most intense detected by UARS, but those instruments were at the
altitude limit of their respective inversion algorithms. Using
the multiple viewing angles of HRDI, we can compare mesospheric
ozone at similar local solar times before, during, and after the
same HRE, removing some of the ambiguity caused by the diurnal
cycling. Furthermore, the altitude coverage of HRDI spans the
region of maximum predicted ozone depletion and above, allowing a
comparison of the measured and predicted altitude profiles. Our
analysis demonstrated that ozone in the upper atmosphere does not
respond significantly to HRE events. High-energy electrons create
ions at altitudes where ozone chemistry is dominated by a diurnal
cycle and HOx-catalyzed reactions. Recovery of the ozone
depletion caused by an HRE is as close as the next sunset.
Atmospheric ion-aerosol interactions
R. Giles Harrison and Karen L. Aplin
Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, P.O. Box 243,
Earley Gate, Reading RG6 6BB, U.K.
There is a substantial amount of laboratory work which shows that
ultrafine particle formation can occurs as a result of the
production of large quantities of small ions. It is of climatic
interest to establish if similar ultrafine particles can be
formed in the atmosphere, because of their significance as
condensation nuclei [1] and possibly as cloud condensation nuclei
[2]. Ionisation in the atmosphere from cosmic sources is
ubiquitous but at much smaller intensities than the laboratory
studies. Conventional ion-aerosol theory does not allow for a
source term of aerosol related to the ion concentrations and
expresses small ion concentrations in terms of their removal by
aerosol. The are many sources of variability in condensation
nuclei (CN) concentrations in the atmosphere occur near the
surface. Interactions between surface radioactivity, condensation
nuclei and atmospheric ions are investigated here experimentally,
and some of the variability in surface CN is found to be related
to variations in surface radioactivity.
[1] Harrison, R. G. (2000) Cloud formation and the possible
significance of charge for atmospheric condensation and ice
nuclei (in press Space Science Reviews)
[2] Svensmark, H., and Friis-Christensen, E. (1997) Variations of
cosmic ray flux and global cloud coverage - a missing link in
solar-climate relationships. J Atmos Solar-Terr Phys 59,
Conjugate purple sprites, relativistic electron curtains, sprite
halos, early/fast conductivity changes, and electron
precipitation events
Umran S. Inan
Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience (STAR) Laboratory,
Stanford University, USA
A brief background and a discussion of recent results will be
provided, many of which were realized in the context of the
recent PhD dissertations completed by N. Lehtinen (Mar 2000),
M. Johnson (Sept 2000), and C. Barrington-Leigh (Sept 2000), and
in the ongoing work Ph.D work of E. Gerken. The work of Lehtinen
[2000] indicate that relativistic electron beams driven upward by
intense thundercloud fields may populate the radiation belts in
the form of trapped electron curtains and may produce detectable
effects in the geomagnetically conjugate region, including
gamma-rays, optical emissions and ionization changes. Results of
high-speed photometric and video imaging measurements,
interpreted by Barrington-Leigh [2000] in the context of a
numerical model of the generation and propagation of
quasi-electrostatic (QE) and electromagnetic (EMP) fields,
indicate that the diffuse glows that are often seen to occur
above the streamer regions of sprites are not elves produced by
the lightning EMP (as was commonly believed previously) but that
they are instead produced by QE fields. The work of Johnson
[2000] indicates that early/fast conductivity disturbances have
lateral extents no less than ~90 km in the 80-90 km altitude
range and that oblique (nonducted) whistler waves from lightning
discharges can precipitate electrons over large ionospheric
regions of ~2000 km in lateral extent. Recent telescopic
measurements [Gerken et al., 2000] reveal the existence of highly
complex fine structure in sprites, with transverse scales ranging
from ~200 m to <40 m, generally consistent with theoretical
predictions of streamer structure [Pasko et al., 1998], and
indicating the presence of persistent ionization, but also
exhibiting a broader variety and spatial scales than expected. We
will also present some very recent SAMPEX satellite observations
of lightning-induced precipitation of energetic (>150 keV)
radiation belt electrons, which appear to be ubiquitously driven
by thunderstorms worldwide, indicating that lightning on this
planet may be significant in determining the loss rates of
energetic electrons in the inner belt and slot regions.
Effect of wind on antennas collecting the vertical air-earth
electric current
Sven Israelsson
Department of Meteorology, University of Uppsala, Sweden
The electrodynamics of antennas collecting the fair weather
electric air-earth currents are investigated, to find out the
effect of the wind and turbulence. A horizontal long-wire antenna,
horizontaland vertical flat antennas were considered.
A model given by Lelwala and Tuomi was tested where a
horizontal wind is assumed. The model of a horizontal long-wire
antenna consists of a set of equations for the motions of air
ions and the solution is found by shooting analytical
techniques. The solution shows that the resultant effect of wind
on the current collected by the antenna is zero. Further it shows
that the conduction current collecting area, which is called the
static-current effective area of the wire antenna, is inversely
proportional to the speed of air ions. On the other hand, the
current is directly proportional to the speed of air ions. These
two effects compensate each other to nullify the resultant effect
on the current collected by the wire antenna. The idea of a
universal effective area of the horizontal long-wire antenna is
not valid in the presence of wind since it is a function of the
ambient electric field. In this case, the wire antenna should be
kept at a considerably high level to avoid the electrode layer
near the earth. The horizontal wind speed is considered as
constant. The solution can be numerically adapted for the
logarithmic vertical wind profile.
On possible connections between cosmic rays, global cloud
cover and climate
Jon Egill Kristjansson and Jørn Kristiansen
Department of Geophysics, University of Oslo, Norway
During the 20th century the earth's near-surface temperature
rose by about 0.6 degrees, globally averaged. This warming is
usually ascribed to a combination of increased concentrations of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and an increase in solar
output, with the former effect becoming dominant in the latter
half of the century.
Recently, Svensmark and Friis-Christensen (SFC) proposed an
alternative hypothesis, whereby galactic cosmic rays would
regulate global cloud cover and, in turn, global climate. Since
the flux of cosmic rays decreases as solar activity increases,
the enhanced solar activity over the last 150 years would,
according to SFC, have led to a decrease in global cloud cover,
and hence a warmer climate. SFC estimated the radiative forcing
from this proposed effect to be in the range 0.8 - 1.7
W/m2, as compared to the 2.4 W/m2 or so
forcing from the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations.
We have investigated two aspects of this problem, namely:
- Do the large positive correlations between cloud cover and
cosmic rays found by SFC hold up when longer time series are
- Assuming that there were a connection between cosmic
rays and clouds, what would the radiative effect be?
Using the ISCCP D2 dataset, we find that the positive
correlations between global cloud cover and cosmic ray flux found
by SFC for the period 1984-1990 do not apply to the years
1990-1994. When the cloud cover data are partitioned according to
height, only low clouds correlate reasonably well with cosmic
rays. This is somewhat surprising, since the ionization caused
by cosmic rays drops significantly with decreasing height in the
Comparisons of the ISCCP cloud cover data and measurements of
the earth's radiative budget by ERBE seem to suggest that the
relationship between cloud cover, cloud radiative forcing is
quite complex. For instance, between 1985 and 1989 global and low
cloud cover decreased, yet the globally averaged cooling effect
of clouds increased. This is contrary to what SFC assumed.
We have estimated the potential radiative effect of cosmic
rays through a coupling with low clouds. The radiative effect
over the last 150 years is about 0.3 W/m2, i.e.,
significantly smaller than that suggested by SFC, but still large
enough to be of interest, assuming it is real.
The effect of Forbush decreases at South Pole
M. M. Lam and A. S. Rodger
British Antarctic Survey, Madingley Road, Cambridge, UK.
Egorova et al. (2000) conclude that variations in cosmic rays
affect the meteorology at Antarctic station Vostok (78.5S,
106.9E). They find that a Forbush decrease (FD) in galactic
cosmic rays is followed by a statistically significant (1) degree
of warming at heights below 6 km, (2) reduction in atmospheric
pressure at altitudes below 20 km, and (3) rotation in the wind
direction at about 7 km altitude.
We conduct a similar study at South Pole (90.0 S 0E) in order
to examine the spatial extent of this phenomenon. We use daily
meteorological data from South Pole for the period 1965--1990,
during the period of polar night (May--September), in order to
exclude the influence of solar radiation. 33 winter FD events are
identified using cosmic ray data from South Pole. The values of
the isopycnal height, the temperature, wind direction and wind
speed associated with FDs are distributed fairly evenly about the
mean (calculated from all values), for pressures of 100, 200, 400
and 500 mbar, indicating that there is no perceptable effect of
cosmic rays on the local weather at South Pole. We discuss the
implications of these findings.
Effects of geomagnetic storms and Forbush decreases of cosmic
ray flux on total ozone at higher middle latitudes
Jan Lastovicka
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Bocní II, 141 31 Prague 4,
Czech Republic
A brief review of effects of strong geomagnetic storms on
total ozone content, targeted to effects observed near the
latitudinal circle of 50oN, shows that at these latitudes
geomagnetic-storm related changes in total ozone can at least
partly be attributed to storm-related changes in atmospheric
circulation. Significant effects of geomagnetic storms on total
ozone have been observed only in winter and for strong storms, Ap
> 40 or better 60, and only under very specific conditions - high
solar activity and the east phase of QBO. This explains some
contradictions in older results. The observed effects consist in
redistribution of ozone, not in ozone production or loss. They
are developed best in European sector and invisible in
latitudinal average values.
The Forbush decreases of cosmic ray flux occur prevailingly
together with geomagnetic storms. The effects of Forbush
decreases along latitudinal circles 40°N and 50°N are
found to occur or to be absent under the same conditions as those
of geomagnetic storms. Certain effect occurs only at 50°N
(not 40°N), in winter, under conditions of high solar
activity and the east phase of the QBO. However, the effects of
the analyzed Forbush decreases are weaker than the effects of
strong geomagnetic storms.
Aerosol effects on terrestrial electromagnetic enviroment and
their EHD description
Eugene A. Mareev
Institute of Applied Physics,Russian Academy of Science, 46
Ulyanov str., 603600 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Modification of terrestrial electromagnetic environment due to
dusty particles and particularly due to their collective
interaction has been a topic of intensive research efforts
recently. In the present paper we shortly review different ways
of dust (aerosol) particle influence on the terrestrial
electromagnetic environment and modern methods of their
theoretical treatment. Special attention is paid to the basic
ideas and applications of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) description
of weakly conducting media with the presence of aerosols and
highly charged hydrometeors.
Electrical implications of active large-scale processes in the
atmosphere (severe thunderstorms, dust and snow storms,
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions) are of great importance. Recent
experimental studies give evidence of particular importance of
mesoscale convective systems in the global electric circuit. In
this connection we consider the recent results of electric field
measurements influenced by such processes, and give some basic
physical ideas of their theoretical treatment. In particular, we
study the inductive charging of aerosol particles in a weakly
conducting medium and note its high efficiency for electric field
structures formation. The very spectacular manifestations of
permanent electrical activity in the atmosphere as connected to
aerosol (hydrometeors) particle implication are related to
thunderstorm activity. Some others are coupled to fair weather
electricity as the inherent part of the global atmospheric
electric circuit. Both them can be properly analyzed under EHD
During the past decade new results concerning local processes
recognition and their influence on the electrical structure of
the global electric circuit have been derived. ULF pulsations of
electric field and electric current in the surface atmospheric
layer were investigated under fair weather conditions. A new
method of structural-temporal analysis has been firstly applied
to the study of spatio-temporal structures of the electric
field. This analysis allowed the quantitative estimations of
spatial scales 0.5-1 km and life time not less than 10-20 min for
respective elements, which have been called the "aeroelectric
structures" (AES). Quasi-periodical sequences and high-amplitude
solitary AES have been recognized. Spectra of short period
electric field pulsations turned out to be influenced
substantially by aerosol particles content.
Recent studies emphasize an important role of internal gravity
wave generation in the lower atmosphere for energy coupling with
the upper atmosphere. We consider shortly the problem of gravity
wave generation by irregular surface sources and their possible
connection to electric processes in the surface atmospheric
This study is particularly a step to the development of a
comprehensive technique for modeling the global, regional and
local effects in the global electric circuit.
Variations of atmospheric pressure during SPE and
A. L. Morozova and M. I. Pudovkin
Institute of Physics, St.Petersburg University, St.Petersburg,
Petrodvorets 198504, Russia
Variations of atmospheric pressure during Solar Proton Events
(SPE) and Forbush-decreases of the Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR)
intensity for the 223 USSR meteorological stations are
studied. The analysis of the experimental data has shown that
character of the atmosphere parameters variations caused by the
SPE or Forbush-decreases is quite different and depends on the
station location and climatic zone.
Variations of pressure altitudinal profiles at
high-latitudinal stations
A. L. Morozova(1), M. I. Pudovkin(1), and P. Thejll(2)
- Institute of Physics, St.Petersburg University,
St.Petersburg, Petrodvorets 198504, Russia
- Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division, Danish Meteorological
Institute and Danish Climate Centre
Variations of altitudinal profiles of atmospheric pressure
during Solar Proton Events and Forbush-decreases of the Galactic
Cosmic Rays intensity for high-latitudinal (Greenland, Denmark,
Iceland, Faeroes, and Jan Mayen) meteorological stations are
studied. An analysis of the experimental data has shown
significant variations of the troposphere pressure caused by the
SPE or Forbush-decreases.
Results from the first European Sprite Observation
T. Neubert(1), T.H. Allin(1), H. Stenbaek-Nielsen(2),
E. Blanc(3), M. Fuellekrug(4), and G. Satori(5)
- Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division, Danish Meteorological Institute
- Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
- Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique ,Laboratoire de Detection
et de Geophysique, France
- Inst. f. Met. & Geophys, Universitaet Frankfurt/Main,
- Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Sopron, Hungary
Results are presented from the first coordinated European
campaign for observations of sprites, conducted during the summer
of 2000. Optical observations were taken by a low-light-level
video camera from the French astronomical observatory,
Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees (OMP) located in the Pyrenees close to
the border of Spain, and EM observations were taken from several
locations in Europe and around the world. The primary objective
was to establish if sprites are generated over Europe and to
establish the thunderstorm characteristics needed for sprite
generation. During the one month campaign, sprites were observed
two nights over the Alps and one night over south-eastern France
in connection with cold fronts moving in from the Atlantic.
Local weather conditions allowed observations approximately half
of the nights. Over the Alp region, one night gave 16 sprites,
with 1 sprite per 7 min on the average, and the other 12 sprites
with 1 per 3 min. For the south-eastern France area, the numbers
are 12 sprites and 1 per 5 min. The weather conditions were
almost identical during the 3 nights, with the active area
forming on the front-side of the cold front. The storms cannot be
classified as Mesoscale Convective Systems, and are not of the
same magnitude as active systems observed over the US. Even so,
sprites seem to be a common occurrence also over Europe. Data
from the campaign are presented and related to the meteorological
conditions and to the electric properties of the storms as
detected by the French lightning detection network.
Schumann resonance as an indicator of upper tropospheric
water vapor
Colin Price
Department of Geophysics & Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv
University, Israel
Upper tropospheric water vapor (UTWV) is a key parameter in
the global warming debate. If UTWV increases as the climate
warms this will result in a positive feedback, enhancing the
warming. If however, UTWV concentrations decrease as the climate
warms, this will result in a negative feedback thereby reducing
the intial warming. Due to very small quantities of UTWV, it is
very difficult to monitor long term trends of this parameter.
However, since UTWV is transported from the boundary layer to the
upper troposphere via deep convective storms, the variability of
UTWV may be closely linked to thunderstorm activity around the
globe. Using 10 Hz extremely low frequency (ELF) data from
Antarctica, it is shown that the globally integrated UTWV is
closely linked to the daily and monthly variability of global
Observations of ELF sprites from Israel
Colin Price
Department of Geophysics & Planetary Sciences, Tel Aviv
University, Israel
Over the last two summers (1999 and 2000) we have been
involved in extremely low frequency (ELF) measurements in Israel
in support of various field campaigns taking place in the United
States (SPRITES '99 and STEPS 2000). We have been very
successful in locating the ELF transients produced by sprites
more than 11,000 km away from our station. We have used both GPS
timing and location finding methods to verify our results.
During November 1999 we also observed ELF transients associated
with sprites and elves over Yugoslavia, observed by a NASA
research plane. Finally, in the coming year we will participate
in a Space Shuttle experiment to observe sprites, and perhaps
blue jets, from space. During this flight the first Israeli
astronaut will attempt to image sprites, elves and jets from
space while a ground network of ELF sensors will locate and
characterise the parent lightnings.
Ground-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling
S. A. Pulinets, K. A. Boyarchuk, V. V. Hegai, and
D. R. Shklyar
IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Moscow Region, 142092, Russia, E-mail:
During last 10 years the model of atmosphere-ionosphere
coupling based on the quasi- electrostatic vertical atmosphere
electric field penetration into the ionosphere was developed at
IZMIRAN. The model consist of three parts: 1-electric field
generation model, 2-electric field penetration at
thermosphere-ionosphere heights, and 3-effects of electric field
in the thermosphere- ionosphere. In the first part a model of ion
kinetics in a near-ground layer of troposphere is considered. It
explains the appearance of strong vertical electric field up to
several kV/m near the ground surface. Second part with the help
of existing model of atmosphere conductivity vertical
distribution makes calculations of penetrated electric field at
the heights from 90 up to 1000 km. It explains the transverse to
geomagnetic field lines electric field ~1 mV/m at the ionospheric
heights as a result of original vertical electric field ~1 kV/m
at the ground surface. The third part demonstrates the effects
of electron concentration modification over the vertical electric
field source. Self-consistence of the model is substantiated by
correspondence of the calculated parameters to the measured
experimentally. Recently the model was supplemented by effects in
magnetosphere (ion composition changes, VLF noises
amplification), as well as by near-ground calculations
(underwater effects, near-ground generation of ELF-VLF
emissions). In present state the complete set of works could be
regarded as complete conception of Ground-
Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling based on the
quasi-electrostatic vertical electric field effect.
Some suggested objectives for the SPECIAL meeting in Lindau, 8 to 11
November 2000
Michael J. Rycroft
As the first phase of the ESF-funded Space Processes and Electrical
Changes In Atmospheric Layers Scientific Network draws to a close, the
SPECIAL community needs to decide upon its actions for the next
phase. It is suggested that:
- each of the three constituent groups should prepare a plan for its
activities from May 2001 to April 2003,
- these plans should be brought together by the Coordination
- a costed proposal for a two-year extension (from mid-2001) of the
life of the Network should be submitted to the ESF, by the deadline of
30 November 2000,
- a week-long European Research Conference (with about 100
attendees) on SPECIAL could be organised, perhaps in conjunction with
other bodies / programmes, in 2003,
- the optimal timing for making a proposal for a coherent and
fully-fledged ESF Scientific Programme, with individual European
nations choosing whether or not to support it financially, should be
considered carefully.
Let us agree our objectives clearly at the outset, and ensure that we go
forward with determination!
Solar and geomagnetic data and data sources for SPECIAL
Kristian Schlegel
Max-Planck Institut für Aeronomy, Katlenburg-Lindau,
Solar and geomagnetic data are vital for studies in the
framework of SPECIAL. Important parameters like solar wind speed
and density, interplanetary magnetic field, high energy solar
proton and electron fluxes, x-ray fluxes and various geomagnetic
indices and their possible influence on atmospheric layers are
briefly reviewed. Several sources of these data in the internet
will be listed and their access described. The sources include
lists of major geomagnetic storms and solar flares which
facilitate the selection of appropriate events to be studied with
Solar activity and lightning
Kristian Schlegel
Max-Planck Institut für Aeronomy, Katlenburg-Lindau,
The influence of solar activity on lightning is a
controversial subject. Apart from one clear correlation published
1974 in NATURE there is not much significant evidence. A
lightning registration system in Germany run by SIEMENS provides
in principle very useful data for such studies. Unfortunately it
covers so far only 8 years, i.e. less than one solar
cycle. Correlation of solar and geophysical parameters with the
number of lightning strokes and their strength have been
performed. The results show some interesting results, but they
are again not fully conclusive because of the limited time
Atmospheric ionisation by cosmic rays and Earth's cloud cover.
Henrik Svensmark
Danish Space Research Institute
Satellite data have revealed a striking correlation between the
intensity of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and low liquid clouds (<3
km). GCR is responsible for nearly all ionisation in the atmosphere
below 35 km. However, a direct link between GCR and cloud formation is
yet to be unambiguously established and, moreover, the microphysical
mechanism is not understood. One mechanism could involve aerosol
particles (0.001-1 mu in diameter) and the formation of cloud
condensation nuclei (CCN). New numerical results suggest that
ion-mediated nucleation of ultra-fine aerosols is the dominating
mechanism in the marine boundary layer where low clouds form. A
systematic variation in the properties of CCN will affect the cloud
droplet distribution and thereby influence the radiative properties
of clouds. An international collaboration called CLOUD has been
formed. The intend is to test the cosmic ray cloud link under
controlled laboratory conditions in a particle beam at CERN with a
cloud chamber.
Variation of fair weather atmospheric electricity at Marsta
Observatory, Sweden, 1993-1998
H. Tammet and S. Israelsson
(Extended abstract available
as PDF only.)
Electroscavenging and the production of ice in cold clouds
and of large condensation nuclei in warm clouds
Brian A. Tinsley
University of Texas at Dallas
The formation of clouds produces conductivity gradients in the
atmosphere that lie in the path of the ionosphere-earth current
density. The conductivity gradients cause layers of space charge
density to form, and at cloud tops these deposit hundreds of
elementary charges on droplets which are likely to be evaporating. The
residual aerosol particles (temporarily) retain the charge as well as
coatings of sulphates and organics previously absorbed by the cloud
droplets. Numerical models of scavenging of aerosol particles
(including these evaporation nuclei) by other cloud droplets show that
with only tens of elementary charges on the aerosol particles the
electrical forces control the scavenging rates. This process can
affect cloud chemistry, condensation nuclei size distributions, and
the production of ice. We show that for low level maritime type clouds
with their broad droplet size distributions, and cloud temperatures
below freezing by about 10°, electroscavenging leads to production
rates of ice by contact ice nucleation that exceed those from
deposition nucleation. This can affect precipitation rates, latent
heat transfer, and winter storm dynamics. For clouds above freezing
electroscavenging and repeated cycles of evaporation and condensation
can increase the size of condensation nuclei. This can affect droplet
size distributions, drizzle production, and cloud cover. The rates
depend on the aerosol particle charge, and thus can respond to solar
wind/cosmic ray modulation of the global atmospheric electric
Lightning-induced quasi electrostatic fields above equatorial
P. T. Tonev
Central Solar-Terrestrial Influences Laboratory, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences
The spatial-temporal behaviour of the quasi electrostatic
fields (QESF) in milisecond time scale, which follow a lightning
discharge and comprise the stratosphere, mesosphere and lower
ionosphere above thunderstorms, is theoretically studied. These
fields, together with the electromagnetic fields acting in a
shorter timescale, are presumably one of the sources of a class
of optical phenomena above lightning storms, particularly of red
sprites. Therefore the investigation of QESF is useful in order
to explain better the mechanisms (runaway electrons, heating) and
conditions for realization of such phenomena, as well as of their
temporal and spatial distributions. The electrostatic fields are
highly sensitive to the atmospheric conductivity and to its
anisotropic nature above 70 km. The feature of anisotropy is
taken into account in some of the models of QESF, as vertical
orientation of the geomagnetic field is assumed in most of them
(case of high latitudes). Here we treat the opposite case of the
horizontal geomagnetic field lines, which corresponds to
equatorial latitudes. An analytical model is proposed based on
the reduced (electrostatic) form of the Maxwell equations.
Solutions are obtained in an explicite form after accepting a
specific presentation of the electric conductivity. Results from
this model compared to these for the case of high latitudes show
that significant redistribution of QESF takes place, even below
the anisotropic region. This is due to the differences in the
initial distributions of the free electric charges and the
temporal behaviour of the electrostatic fields in both
cases. Some features of QESF distributions are demonstrated such
as loss of the axial symmetry, as well as of the zonal symmetry
(due to the influence of Hall conductivity). The model proposed
is the first stage in a theoretical study in which one problem is
whether red sprites are sensitive to latitude.
Influence of the gravitational field variations on processes
in animate and inanimate nature
O. A. Troshichev(1), E. S. Gorshkov(1,2),
S. N. Shapovalov(1), and V. V. Sokolovsky(1,3)
- Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St.Petersburg
- St.Petersburg Branch of IZMIRAN, St.Petersburg
- Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, St.Petersburg
The biochemical studies carried out at the Russian Antarctic
base Mirny in 1996-1997 evidenced that rate of oxidation reaction
of the unithiol undergoes rhythmical fluctuations (acceleration
and deceleration) correlating with changes in velocity of the
forward-rotational movement of the Earth. The similar experiments
fulfilled in course of the Antarctic voyage of vessel "Fedorov"
showed that fluctuations of the redox rate took place also in the
bulk of the ship, in room shielded by numerous steel bulkheads
and deck ceilings. The remarkable agreement of the oxidation rate
fluctuations with the periodicity of planetary processes
determined by gravitational fields of the Sun and Moon made it
possible to conclude that rate of the redox reactions in the
Earth's biosphere is greatly influenced by change in the space
gravitational field [Biophysics, v.//, n 4, 2000].
The conclusion is confirmed while comparing variations of the
redox rate (unithiol test) with direct measurements of the
gravitational field performed by the precision gravimeter. These
comparisons fulfilled under the observatory conditions
(Voieikovo, near St.Petersburg) in period from August 1999 to
March 2000, included events of solar and lunar
eclipses. Simultaneous testing of "sensor for hyper weak fields"
(Bondarenko sensor) has been conducted at the same place, and
excellent correspondence between the gravitational field
variations recorded by the gravimeter, and the readings of the
Bondarenko sensor has been found. Basing on this correspondence
the Bondarenko sensor has been used as mobile indicator for the
gravitational field variations aboard vessel "Fedorov" in course
of the vessel's trip to Antarctic in March-June 2000, the
precision gravimeter being operated in Voieikovo at the same
time. The following results have been obtained:
- changes in rate of redox reaction (unithiol test) are in a
good agreement with the readings of "sensor for hyper weak
- short-term (some days) regular oscillations of the ozone
total content correlate with variations of the gravitational
- periodicity is observed in statistics of number of ß
decay of 239Pu, the periods being coincident with the nutational
periods of Earth's axis;
- structure of the gravitational variations depends on
These experimental facts are indicative of essential influence
of the gravitational field variations on processes in animate and
inanimate nature.
Disturbances in the wind system above the antarctic caused by
variations of cosmic rays and their relationship to the southern
atmospheric oscillations
O. A. Troshichev, V. Ya. Vovk, and L. V. Egorova
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia
A long-standing data of wind observations at Russian Antarctic
stations Vostok, Leningradskaya, Russkaya, Mirny, Molodyzhnaya
have been analyzed with regard to variations of cosmic rays. It
is shown that Forbush decrease of galactic cosmic rays strongly
affecting the atmospheric temperature and pressure in the
near-pole region gives rise to reconstruction of the field of
winds above Antarctica. Reconstruction of the wind system in the
near-pole region starts at all altitudes (h=0-20 km)
simultaneously with the beginning of Forbush decrease. Maximum of
changes in the wind system is observed by forth day when wind
rotates from W (250±22°) to S (180°) and reaches
the maximum of strength. This day coincides statistically with
date of the Forbush decrease minimum. The usual East wind typical
of the coast stations Russkaya (137°W) and Leningradskaya
(159°E) is changed at this time by very intense South
wind. On the other hand, it turns out that occurrence of South
winds at stations Russkaya and Leningradskaya in April-September
of the El Niño years is twice as higher as in the
preceding and succeeding years. It is suggested that the
relationship between the Forbush decrease occurrence and
atmospheric oscillations in the southern ocean area (SOI) takes
Variations in temperature and atmospheric pressure in the
southern near-pole region: Effects of the galactic cosmic rays,
solar protons and interplanetary shocks
O. A. Troshichev, L. V. Egorova, and V. Ya. Vovk
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia
Daily data of pressure, temperature and wind observations at
Antarctic station Vostok in 1981-1991 have been analyzed with
regard to the cosmic-rays variations and interplanetary shocks in
their passage through the Earth's orbit. Vostok station located
at the ice dome in the center of the Antarctic continent is the
best-suited place for such an analysis. Indeed, Vostok station is
at distance of 1500 km from ocean coast, and the influence of
cyclonic activity relatively seldom captures this area. The ice
dome is a flat homogeneous plain at height 3.5 km, which is not
subjected to local atmospheric vortices. Since Vostok station is
close to the geographical pole, the influence of direct solar
radiation can be excluded from consideration if periods of polar
night (May-September) are examined. As a result of case studies
and statistical treatment the following results have been
The temperature changes observed in the lower atmosphere of
the Southern near-pole region in the course of ordinary Forbush
decrease is superposition of effects produced by the
interplanetary shock, solar proton event, and Forbush decrease
itself. Passage of the interplanetary shocks (sharp increase of
density and velocity of the solar wind) related to Forbush
decreases (or SP events) on the Earth's orbit gives rise to
strong temperature changes in the lower atmosphere (warming at
altitudes h<5 km and cooling at h>8 km). This effect reaches
maximum within one day and is damped equally
quickly. Statistically the passage of interplanetary shocks
coincides with the beginning of Forbush decrease. That is way a
dramatic temperature effects in the lower atmosphere (warming up
to 10° at the ground level) is observed just at the beginning
of Forbush decrease. The interplanetary shocks are one day ahead
of occurrence of SP fluxes on the Earth's orbit, and the
temperature effect produced by the interplanetary shock usually
precedes the solar proton events. Forbush decrease itself
influences the cooling of lower troposphere and, possibly,
warming of the atmosphere at altitudes higher 15 km, the
temperature changes being gradual and developed slowly over
Forbush decrease. Spikes of solar protons likely produce only
insignificant warming of atmosphere at h<5 km during SPE.
Forbush decrease is accompanied by reduction of atmospheric
pressure at all altitudes below 20 km, the magnitude of reduction
being maximal at higher altitudes. The solar cosmic rays cause
within 0-2 days the increase of atmospheric pressure
predominantly at altitudes of 10-15 km, the effect is much more
prominent for high-energy protons EP>100 MeV. Influence of the
interplanetary shocks on atmospheric pressure is not found.
Variations of temperature and atmospheric pressure influenced
by galactic cosmic rays and solar protons in the Southern
near-pole region are principally distinct from those observed
between latitudes 50° and 80° in the Northern hemisphere,
and other mechanisms are required for their explanation.
Neural network based approach to forecast ionospheric
Yurdanur Tulunay(1), Ersin Tulunay(2) and Erdem Turker
- Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Istanbul Technical
University, Istanbul, Turkey
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle
East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Within each group of the SPECIAL Network objectives, some
modeling work is foreseen. It is known that almost all of the
processes within the interest of the SPECIAL Network are highly
non-linear and also time-varying. In such cases it has been
demonstrated by the authors and others that the data driven
modeling approach such as neural network (NN) based modeling is
very promising [E Tulunay et al, 2000; Y Tulunay et al, 2000a, Y
Tulunay et al, 2000b, Kumluca et al, 1999]. For example, by
using ionospheric critical frequencies during IMF Bz Southward
polarity changes Y Tulunay et al [2000a] demonstrated that
forecasting and filling the data gaps are possible by using NN
based models.
It is proposed for the SPECIAL Network that NN based models
that are data driven can be adopted for the modeling of physical
phenomena under the direct interest of the task. The only basic
requirement for this is the availability of representable data
for the phenomena.
Effects of precipitating high energy particles in the
mesosphere: Present and future applications of the Sodankylä
Ion Chemistry Model
Esa Turunen(1), Thomas Ulich(1,2), Pekka Verronen(3), and
Erkki Kyrölä(3)
- Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, Sodankylä, Finland
- Space Physics Group, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
- Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland
Roughly 10 years ago a detailed ion chemical scheme, with 55
ions, was formulated and coded as the Sodankylä Ion
Chemistry model (SIC) for studies of the lower ionosphere. A
major revision of the SIC model was made during the last two
years in a collaborative effort of the Sodankylä Geophysical
Observatory and the Finnish Meteorological Institute. This
revision included adding effects of photodissociation of
neutrals, relevant neutral chemistry of nitric oxides, ozone and
other related constituents. Furthermore, selected neutral
constituents are now explicitly modelled. Our aim is to use the
model, together with future and existing satellite and
ground-based data (e.g. ENVISAT-1), in order to quantify the
effect of precipitating high energy particles on the neutral
atmospheric composition. In this paper examples of present and
possibilities of future applications of the SIC model are
The potential for monitoring the global circuit from ocean
Robert Tyler
Applied Physics Laboratory, Ocean Physics Department,
University of Washington
Under the historical paradigm of the global circuit (GC),
electric charge is removed from the Earth's surface, primarily in
low-latitude thunderstorm regions, spreads rather uniformly over
the conductive ionosphere, and returns to the Earth's surface as
a downward atmospheric electric current with an associated
"fairweather" electric field. To close the circuit there must be
return currents in the solid earth and oceans that flow from the
fairweather regions back to the thunderstorm source regions. It
is expected from simple theoretical and numerical results which
we will present that these return currents are highly
concentrated in the oceans, particularly in certain straits where
the electric current density can be six orders of magnitude
greater in amplitude than that in the lower atmosphere. From
these arguments and others we suggest that these oceanic
locations may be the best place to set up stations to monitor the
GC. Long-duration, low-noise observations from such monitoring
stations are needed to resolve long-standing fundamental
questions about the GC processes and to address current studies
regarding the role of the GC in the Earth's weather and climate
An initial analysis of observations taken for oceanographic
purposes in the Strait of Gibaltar and the Denmark Strait show
large unexplained electric currents flowing through these
straits. Such effects are not seen in similar open-ocean
surveys. The steady component of these electric currents indicate
electric currents exiting the straits in a manner consistent with
the assumption that these are return currents of the GC. The
magnitude also shows agreement with results from simple numerical
modeling of the GC return currents. This encourages potential use
of ocean GC observatories. However, at least the Denmark Strait
data also show large variability with electric currents in the
strait sometimes flowing in the opposite direction of that of the
mean. This suggests that electric currents due to other sources
may also be present in these straits potentially raising the
challenge of separating the GC components.
Ground-based monitoring of space weather in Finland
and Northern Scandinavia
Thomas Ulich(1,2)
- Space Physics Group, Dept. of Physical Sciences, FIN-90014
University of Oulu, Finland
- Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, FIN-99600
Sodankylä, Finland
The Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory (SGO) is one of the
most versatile observatories in the world. The first
measurements at Sodankylä took place already during the 1st
International Polar Year between 1882 and 1884. Today SGO looks
back on a long tradition of ground-based geophysical routine
observations, which started in 1914 with the monitoring of the
geomagnetic field. In the more recent past, instrument
development and research based on the available data have become
an essential part of SGO's activities. All activities are
tightly linked to those of the Space Physics Group (SPG) at the
University of Oulu.
Since 1968, pulsation magnetometers are in use in
Finland. Today, the chain of stations comprises 6 instruments
between 60°N and 69°N, as well as one station on Crete,
Greece. The instruments are capable of recording ULF waves in
the whole Pc/Pi frequency range. SGO has constructed
sophisticated VLF receivers, which are operated during campaigns.
Fast algorithms for computing polarisation parameters were
developed in order to study the link between whistler activity
and auroral substorms as well as powerline harmonic radiation.
Currently a new instrument measuring the vertical electric field
is in test use near Oulu. Preliminary results show that it is
able to register at least the lowest three Schumann frequencies.
During the IGY in August 1957, the Sodankylä ionosonde
started regular half-hourly soundings of the high-latitude
ionosphere. The ionograms, which have entirely been scaled by
the same person throughout, are used for studies of long-term
changes of the ionosphere. Since the mid-1960s, SGO has carried
out continuous measurements of cosmic radio noise by riometers in
Finland and Northern Scandinavia. Today the network of 9
riometers covers L-values from 3.7 to 13.2 between 62°N and
77°N, and includes the 49-beam imaging riometer IRIS of the
University of Lancaster, UK. In the 1980s, SGO became one of the
sites of EISCAT, which operates powerful incoherent scatter
radars and a heating facility. These observations are
complemented every winter by optical observations with all-sky
cameras and photometers.
All of the most important research and development activities
at SGO are based on the same fundament: mathematical modelling of
measurements and stochastic inversion theory. Exploiting these
methods lead to completely new, revolutionary radar measurements,
which gradually are being employed by a number of international
radar facilities. Scientists of SGO and SPG are leading in the
world concerning radar measurements as well as tomographic
applications. Currently, a permanent chain of receivers for
satellite tomography of the ionosphere is under
development. Furthermore, a meteor radar is under construction
and will be operational in 2001.
In the present work, some examples of available data and
recent results are presented briefly. SGO welcomes the
scientists of SPECIAL to work with these data. Additional
information is available on-line at www.sgo.fi.
How accurately do we know the lengths of the sunspot cycles?
Thomas Ulich(1,2)
- Space Physics Group, Dept. of Physical Sciences, FIN-90014
University of Oulu, Finland
- Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, FIN-99600
Sodankylä, Finland
The sunspot numbers have traditionally been used as a measure for the
solar activity. Solar activity, in turn, has been related to the
long-term evolution of global temperature and other climate
parameters. Esp. the time series of the durations of the Schwabe
Cycles correlates well with northern hemispheric air temperatures.
The key question is whether this connection dominates over the
anthropogenic effects on climate.
In this work I re-analyse the sunspot cycle lengths using traditional
methods and a novel technique based on determining the time ('median
time') of half of the integrated sunspot number per cycle. While
traditional methods are sensitive to the different estimations of
sunspot minima or maxima, the median method is very stable to these
differences. Furthermore, possible gaps in the time series of
sunspot counts can safely be interpolated with only little effect on
the median cycle length.
Large scale campaign for simultaneous measurements of
ionospheric conductivity profiles by ELF receivers, incoherent
scatter radars, and riometers in Northern Fenno-Scandia
Thomas Ulich(1,3), Martin Füllekrug(2), Jyrki
- Space Physics Group, Dept. of Physical Sciences, University
of Oulu, Finland
- Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of
Frankfurt, Germany
- Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, Sodankylä,
Electromagnetic radiation of lighting is partially reflected
in the ionosphere. The conductivity of the ionosphere greatly
depends on various extra-terrestrial factors, which are commonly
summarised as "space weather". The variations of the
conductivity lead to temporally variable attenuation of the waves
emitted by lightning as well as to changes of their propagation
velocities. These can be measured by high-precision ELF
receivers and with the aid of numerical models, conductivity
profiles can be derived for the ionospheric D region (60-85
km). In order to verify and improve the analytical methods
involved, the proposed campaign aims at a simoultaneous
measurement of lower ionospheric conductivities with the aid of
the EISCAT incoherent scatter radars in Norway, Sweden, and
Finland. The results will be compared with measurements of
cosmic radio noise absorption by the Finnish Riometer Chain.
Furthermore, we will model D-region conductivity by the detailed
Sodankylä Ion Chemistry Model (SIC). First tests are
planned in conjunction with the Finnish EISCAT Campaign in
February 2001. The actual campaign will take place in October
Solar and tropospheric variability effects on Schumann
B. Zieger(1,2), and G. Satori(2)
- Danish Space Research Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute, Sopron, Hungary
Schumann resonances (SR) are extremely low frequency (ELF)
electromagnetic waves produced by lightning discharges and
trapped in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide. The SR parameters
observed at a single station are controlled by the global
lightning activity, which in turn, is related to different
climate variables such as surface air temperature, vertical air
convection, upper tropospheric water vapour concentration,
etc. SR frequencies and amplitudes have been recorded
continuously for the vertical electric component at the Nagycenk
Observatory, Hungary since May 1993.In the present study, we
identify periodicities in Schumann resonance amplitudes and
frequencies in the period range from 2 days to one year and
discuss their possible origin. The observed intensity and
frequency of Schumann resonances depend not only on the source
intensity and the source-observer distance but also on the
physical parameters of the Earth-ionosphere waveguide. Dynamic
spectra of daily SR amplitudes and frequencies were computed for
the first three modes and were compared with dynamic spectra of
solar wind speed and geomagnetic activity and energetic particle
flux. Several periodicities were identified including 109,
74,39,27,20,13.5,10 and 5 days. The most significant correlation
between SR parameters and energetic electron flux (or solar wind
speed) was found at the periods of 27 and 13.5 days (harmonics of
the solar rotation period). This implies a solar influence on the
upper boundary of the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, i.e. the
ionospheric D region, most probably through energetic particles
(MeV protons and electrons).
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Last update: 2000-11-03, 1353 UT, by Th.Ulich, editor [e-mail | homepage]. |
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