From: Jan Lastovicka, Czech Republic
Date: 2002-09-11 1331 UT
Report on the visit of high-altitude Cosmostation near Almaty,
The Institute of the Ionosphere at Almaty, Kazachstan in collaboration
with the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute from Moscow, Russia run the
high-altitude observatory Cosmostation at a height of 3340 m, built
in a broad pass between two peaks in Than-Shan mountains near Almaty
(earlier Alma-Ata). The observatory has a broad system of multipoint
measurements of high-energy particles (cosmic rays and a bit softer),
gamma-flashes, X-ray bursts, radio noise (and may be something more), run
at five different places spaced several hundred metres. What is of
interest for the SPECIAL community is teh fact that the observatory is
sometimes inside(!!) thunderstorm clouds and they run in-situ measurements
in thunderstorm clouds. They observed a couple of very interested
The very first results were described in a paper "Intensive X-ray
emission bursts during thunderstorms" by Chubenko et al., Physics Letters
(Elsevier journal), A, 275 (2000), 90-100.
Contacts: alex td lpi ac ru (Moscow team),
antonova ionos alma-ata su (Almaty team). Their measurements might be of interest to
sprite community and maybe to those dealing in SPECIAL with cloud