Tunnuskuva Laitosraportti

PL 8000
Tilanne 17.01.2014
90014 Oulu
Yksikkö: Sodankylän geofysiikan observatorio
Huomioi myös alemmat organisaatiot: Kyllä
Vuosi: 2013
Huomioi vain jos ensimmäisenä organisaationa: Ei
Tieteellinen aikakauslehti
Arlt, R.; Leussu, R.; Giese, N.; Mursula, K.; Usoskin, I. G. (2013) Sunspot positions and sizes for 1825-1867 from the observations by Samuel Heinrich Schwabe. - Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 433, 3165-3172
Baumann, C.; Rapp, M.; Kero, Antti; Enell, Carl-Fredrik (2013) Meteor smoke influences on the D-region charge balance : review of recent in situ measurements and one dimensional model results. - Annales Geophysicae in press, in press
Blagoveshchenskii, D. V.; Rogov, D. D. and Ulich Thomas (2013) Variations in the horizontal correlation radius of the ionosphere during a magnetospheric substorm. - Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 53 (2), 166-176 . http://download.springer.com/static/pdf/690/art%253A10.1134%252FS0016793213020035.pdf?auth66=1390035608_2a48249d9d45c9c131c1048afd451641&ext=.pdf
Calisto, M.; Usoskin, I.; Rozanov, E. (2013) Influence of a Carrington-like event on the atmospheric chemistry, temperature and dynamics: revised. - Environmental Research Letters 8 (4), 045010 . http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/8/4/045010
Clilverd, M.; Cobbett, N.; Rodger, C.; Brundell, J.; Denton, M.; Hartley, D.; Rodriguez, J.; Danskin, D.; Raita, T.; Spanswick, E. (2013) Energetic electron precipitation characteristics observed from Antarctica during a flux dropout event. - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics in press, in press . http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2013JA019067/pdf
Cresswell-Moorcock,Kathy; Rodger, Craig J.; Kero, Antti; Collier, Andrew B.; Clilverd, Mark A.; Häggström, Ingemar; Pitkänen, Timo (2013) A reexamination of latitudinal limits of substorm-produced energetic electron precipitation. - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics Early online, Early online
Engebretson, M. J.; Yeoman, T. K.; Oksavik, K.; Søraas, F.; Sigernes, F.; Moen, J. I.; Jonhsen, M. G.; Pilipenko, V. A.; Posch, J. L.; Lessard, M. R.; Lavraud, B., Hartinger, M. D.; Clausen, L.B. N.; Raita, T.; Stolle, C. (2013) Multi-instrument Observations from Svalbard of a Traveling Convection Vortex, Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Burst, and Proton Precipitation Associated with a Bow Shock Instability. - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (6), 2975-2997 . http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgra.v118.6/issuetoc
Gopalswamy, N.; Xie, H.; Akiyama, S.; Yashiro, S.; Usoskin, I. G.; Davila, J. M. (2013) The First Ground Level Enhancement Event of Solar Cycle 24: Direct Observation of Shock Formation and Particle Release Heights. - Astrophysical Journal Letters 765, L30
Janutyte, I.; Kozlovskaya, E.; Motuza, G.; PASSEQ Working Group (2013) Study of Local Seismic Events in Lithuania and Adjacent Areas Using Data from the PASSEQ Experiment. - Pure and Applied Geophysics 170 (5), 797-814 . http://www.springerlink.com/content/t890850571n5720w/
Knapmeyer-Endrun, B.; Krüger, F.; Legendre, C. P.; Geissler, W. H.; Wilde-Piórko, M.; Plomerová, J.; Grad, M.; Bab?ska, V.; Br?uckl, E.; Cyziene, J.; Czuba, W.; England, R.; Gaczy?ski, E.; Gazdova, R.; Gregersen, S.; Guterch, A.; Hanka, W.; Heged?us, E.; Heuer, B.; Jedli?ka, P.; Lazauskiene, J.; Keller, G. R.; Kind, R.; Klinge, K.; Kolinsky, P.; Komminaho, K.; Kozlovskaya, E.; Kr?uger, F.; Larsen, (2013) Tracing the influence of the Trans-European Suture Zone into the mantle transition zone. - Earth and planetary science letters 363, 73-87
Kocharov, Leon; Laitinen, Timo; Vainio, Rami (2013) The effect of turbulence intermittence on the emission of solar energetic particles by coronal and interplanetary shocks. - Astrophysical Journal Letters 778 (1), L5
Kozlovskaya, E.; Taran, L.; Karatayev, G.; Astapenko,V.; Yliniemi, J. (2013) Structure of the lithosphere along the CEL05 profile in Belarus (Western part of the East European Craton): constraints from geological and non-seismic geophysical data. - Litosphere 38 (1), 75-92
Kozlovsky, A.; Turunen, T.; Ulich, T. (2013) Rapid-run ionosonde observations of traveling ionospheric disturbances in the auroral ionosphere. - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (8), 5265?5276
Lehtinen, Markku S.; Damtie, Baylie (2013) Radar baud length optimisation of spatially incoherent time-independent targets. - Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics ?In press?, ?In press? . http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2012.10.010
Leussu, Raisa; Usoskin, Ilya G.; Arlt, Rainer; Mursula, Kalevi (2013) Inconsistency of the Wolf sunspot number series around 1848. - Astronomy & Astrophysics 559, A28 . http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2013/11/aa22373-13/aa22373-13.html
Lichtenberger, János; Clilverd, Mark A.; Heilig, Balázs; Vellante, Massimo; Manninen, Jyrki; Rodger, Craig J.; Collier, Andrew B.; Jørgensen, Anders M.; Reda, Jan; Holzworth, Robert H.; Friedel, Reinhard; Simon-Wedlund, Mea (2013) The plasmasphere during a space weather event: first results from the PLASMON project. - Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 3, 1-23, A23 . http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/swsc/2013045
Lukianova, R.; Kozlovsky, A. (2013) Dynamics of polar boundary of the auroral oval derived from the IMAGE satellite data. - Cosmic Research (Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya) 51 (1), 46-53
Makrantoni, P.; Mavromichalaki, H.; Usoskin, I.; Papaioannou, A. (2013) Calculation of the cosmic ray induced ionization for the region of Athens. - Journal of physics: Conference series 409, 012232
Manninen, J.; Kleimenova, N.G.; Kozyreva, O.V.; Bespalov, P.A.; Kozlovsky, A.E. (2013) Non-typical ground-based quasi-periodic VLF emissions observed at L ~ 5.3 under quiet geomagnetic conditions at night. - Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 99, 123-128
Markkanen, Jussi; Nygrén, Tuomo; Markkanen, Markku; Voiculescu, Mirela; Aikio, Anita (2013) High-precision measurement of satellite range and velocity using the EISCAT radar. - Annales Geophysicae 31 (5), 859-870 . http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/angeo-31-859-2013
Mironova, I. A.; Usoskin, I. G. (2013) Possible effect of extreme solar energetic particle events of September?October 1989 on polar stratospheric aerosols: a case study. - Atmospheric chemistry and physics 13 (17), 8543-8550 . http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/8543/2013/
Mishev, A. L.; Usoskin, I. G; Kovaltsov, G. A. (2013) Neutron monitor yield function: New improved computations. - Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (6), 2783-2788
Mishev, A; Usoskin, I (2013) Computations of cosmic ray propagation in the Earth's atmosphere, towards a GLE analysis. - Journal of physics: Conference series 409, 012152
Mishev, A.; Velinov, P. (2013) The influence of low energy hadron interaction models in CORSIKA code on atmospheric ionization due to heavy nuclei. - Journal of physics: Conference series 409, 4, 012209
Nevalainen, J; Usoskin, IG; Mishev, A (2013) Eccentric dipole approximation of the geomagnetic field: Application to cosmic ray computations. - Advances in Space Research 52, 22-29
Roininen, Lassi; Lehtinen, Markku (2013) Perfect pulse-compression coding via ARMA algorithms and unimodular transfer functions. - Inverse problems and imaging 7 (2), 649-661 . http://aimsciences.org/journals/displayArticlesnew.jsp?paperID=8647
Roininen, Lassi; Piiroinen, Petteri; Lehtinen, Markku (2013) Constructing continuous stationary covariances as limits of the second-order stochastic difference equations. - Inverse problems and imaging 7 (2), 611-647, 15 . http://aimsciences.org/journals/displayArticlesnew.jsp?paperID=8646
Starodubtsev, SA; Grigoryev, VG; Usoskin, IG (2013) Forecast of the arrival of interplanetary shocks by measuring cosmic ray fluctuations in the interplanetary medium. - Journal of physics: Conference series 409, 012180
Tiira, T.; Janik, T.; Kozlovskaya, E.; Grad, M.; Korja, A.; Komminaho, K.; Hegedues, E.; Kovacs, A.; Silvennoinen, H.; Bruekl, E., (2013) Crustal architecture of the inverted Central Lapland rift along HUKKA 2007 profile. - Pure and Applied Geophysics - (-), -
Usoskin, I. G. (2013) A History of Solar Activity over Millennia. - Living Reviews in Solar Physics 10 (1), 1 . http://solarphysics.livingreviews.org/Articles/lrsp-2013-1/
Usoskin, I. G.; Kromer, B.; Ludlow, F.; Beer, J.; Friedrich, M.; Kovaltsov, G. A.; Solanki, S. K.; Wacker, L. (2013) The AD775 cosmic event revisited: the Sun is to blame. - Astronomy & Astrophysics 552, L3 . http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201321080
Vainio, Rami; Valtonen, Eino; Heber, Bernd; Malandraki, Olga E.; Papaioannou, Athanasios; Klein, Karl?Ludwig; Afanasiev, Alexander; Agueda, Neus; Aurass, Henry; Battarbee, Markus; Braune, Stephan; Dröge, Wolfgang; Ganse, Urs; Hamadache, Clarisse; Heynderickx, Daniel; Huttunen-Heikinmaa, Kalle; Kiener, Jürgen; Kilian, Patrick; Kopp, Andreas; Kouloumvakos, Athanasios (2013) The first SEPServer event catalogue ~68-MeV solar proton events observed at 1 AU in 1996-2010. - Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 3, A12 . http://www.swsc-journal.org/index.php?option=com_article&access=doi&doi=10.1051/swsc/2013030&Itemid=129
Velinov, P. I. Y.; Mishev, A. (2013) Comparison of ionization effect in the atmosphere of the Earth due to GLE 65 and GLE 69. - Journal of physics: Conference series 409, 4, 012211
Velinov, P. Y. I; Asenovski, S.; Mateev, L.; Mishev, A. (2013) Improved COsmic Ray Ionization Model for Atmosphere and Ionosphere (CORIMIA) with account of Monte Carlo Simulations. - Journal of physics: Conference series 409, 4, 012212
Velinov, Peter; Asenovski, Simeon; Kudela, Karel; Lastovicka, Jan; Mateev, Lachezar; Mishev, Alexander; Tonev, Peter (2013) Impact of cosmic rays and solar energetic particles on the Earth?s ionosphere and atmosphere. - Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 3, A14
Verronen, Pekka T.; Andersson, Monika E.; Rodger, Craig J.; Clilverd, Mark A.; Wang, Shuhui and Turunen, Esa (2013) Comparison of modeled and observed effects of radiation belt electron precipitation on mesospheric hydroxyl and ozone. - Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (19), 11,419?11,428 . http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgrd.50845/pdf
Vierinen, Juha; Kero, Antti; Rietveld, Michael T. (2013) High latitude artificial periodic irregularity observations with the upgraded EISCAT heating facility. - Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics In press, In press . http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2013.08.012
Virtanen, Ilkka I.; Lind, Frank D.; Roininen, Lassi; Erickson,Philip J.; Rideout, William C.; Orispää, Mikko; Vierinen, Juha; Lehtinen, Markku S. (2013) Polyphase-coded incoherent scatter measurements at Millstone Hill. - Radio Science 48, 519-526 . http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/rds.20058/pdf
Voiculescu, M.; Usoskin, I.G.; Condurache-Bota, S. (2013) Clouds blown by the solar wind. - Environmental Research Letters 8 (4), 045032 . http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/8/4/045032/
Enell, Cal-Fredrik; ESPAS Team (2013) The Near-Earth Space Data Infrastructure for E-Science (ESPAS) EU FP7 project. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 5th Eiscat 3D User meeting, Uppsala, Sweden. EISCAT Scientific Association. EISCAT 3D User Meeting, 09. https://www.eiscat3d.se/sites/default/files/EISCAT_3D_Fifth_User_Meeting/09-Enell.pdf
Enell, Carl-Fredrik; Rideout, W.; Raita, Tero; Häggström, I.; Kozlovski, Alexandre; Ulich, Thomas (2013) Space Weather Data Services at Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 10th European Space Weather Week, Antwerp, Belgium, 18-22 November 2013. -. -
Jorgensen, A.M., Lichtenberger, J. Duffy, J., Friedel, R., Clilverd, M., Heilig, B., Vellante, M., Raita, T., Manninen, J., Rodger, C., Collier, A., Reda, J., Holzworth, R., Ober, D., Boudouridis, A., Zesta, E. and Chi, P.J (2013) _Data Assimilation Results from PLASMON. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 10th European Space Weather Week, Antwerp, Belgium, 18-22 November 2013. -. 77
Jorgensen, A.M., Lichtenberger, J. Duffy, J., Friedel, R., Clilverd, M., Heilig, B., Vellante, M., Raita, T., Manninen, J., Rodger, C., Collier, A., Reda, J., Holzworth, R., Ober, D., Boudouridis, A., Zesta, E. and Chi, P.J. (2013) Data Assimilation Results from PLASMON. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - AGU Fall Meeting 2013. American Geophysical Union, SM43B-2316
Jorgensen, A.M., Lichtenberger, J. Duffy, J., Friedel, R., Clilverd, M., Heilig, B., Vellante, M., Raita, T., Rodger, C., Collier, A., Reda, J., Holzworth, R., Ober, D., Boudouridis, A., Zesta, E. and Chi, P.J. (2013) Evaluating the Accuracy of Plasmasphere Data Assimilation from Ground-Based Observations. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Geophyscial Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2013. European Geophysical Union. Geophyscial Research Abstracts. Vol. 15, EGU2013-6987. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/EGU2013-6987.pdf
Kero, Antti; Solonen, Antti and Vierinen, Juha (2013) Ionospheric electron density profile estimation in spectral riometry with model reduction and MCMC. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 19th Inverse Days 2013 with a Special Emphasis on the Mathematics of Planet Earth, Sodankylä 10th December 2013, Inari 11th-13th December 2013, Abstracts. Roininen Lassi. Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory Reports 61. Oulu, Oulun yliopisto Sodankylän geofysiikan observatorio. 30. http://herkules.oulu.fi/isbn9789526203454/isbn9789526203454.pdf
Kozlovskaya, Elena (2013) Seismic studies at the SGO: from seismic tomography to seismic interferometry. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 19th Inverse Days 2013 with a Special Emphasis on the Mathematics of Planet Earth, Sodankylä 10th December 2013, Inari 11th-13th December 2013, Abstracts. Roininen Lassi. Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory Reports 61. Oulu, Oulun yliopisto Sodankylän geofysiikan observatorio. 33. http://herkules.oulu.fi/isbn9789526203454/isbn9789526203454.pdf
Markkanen, Jussi; Nygren, Tuomo; Markkanen, Markku (2013) New high accuracy determination of range and range rate of satellites from EISCAT radar data taken during 2010 SSA CO-VI campaign. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, 22-25 April, 2013. Ouwehand, L. ESA SP 723, European Space Agency. 1-8
McClave, B.; Ulich, Thomas; McKay-Bukowski, Derek and the KAIRA Team (2013) KAIRA - a multipurpose radio receiver in support of EISCAT_3D. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - EISCAT International Symposium, Lancaster, UK., 12. ? 16. August 2013. -. -
McKay-Bukowski, Derek (2013) Using KAIRA as an interferometric imaging riometer. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 19th Inverse Days 2013 with a Special Emphasis on the Mathematics of Planet Earth, Sodankylä 10th December 2013, Inari 11th-13th December 2013, Abstracts. Roininen Lassi. Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory Reports 61. Oulu, Oulun yliopisto Sodankylän geofysiikan observatorio. 38. http://herkules.oulu.fi/isbn9789526203454/isbn9789526203454.pdf
Neska, M., Collier, A., Heilig, B., Jozwiak, W., Raita, T. and Vellante M. (2013) Automated real-time monitoring of the plasmasphere by means of ground-based magnetometer arrays in Europe and South Africa. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - AGU Fall meeting 2013. American Geophysical Union. SM53A-2206
Reda, J., Vellante, M, Heilig, B., Nwozynski, K., Raita, T., Sutcliffe, P. (2013) Relationship between energy of ULF pulsations, Kp indices and some solar wind parameters. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - AGU Fall Meeting 2013. American Geophysical Union. SM43B-2302
Silvennoinen, Hanna; Kozlovskaya, Elena; Kissling, Eduard; the POLENET/LAPNET working group (2013) Structure of the upper mantle beneath POLENET/LAPNET array, northern Fennoscandian Shield, revealed by high-resolution teleseismic P-wave traveltime tomography. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, EGU General Assembly 2013. -, 8008. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/EGU2013-8008.pdf
Tjulin, A.; Mann, I.; McCrea, I.; Aikio, Anita and Ulich, Thomas (2013) The EISCAT_3D Science Case. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 10th European Space Weather Week, Antwerp, Belgium, 18-22 November 2013. -. -
Turunen, Esa; Kero, Antti; Enell, Carl-Fredrik and Ulich, Thomas (2013) Excess ionisation in the mesosphere caused by relativistic electron precipitation. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - EISCAT International Symposium, Lancaster, UK, 12.-16. August 2013. -. -
Ulich, Thomas; McKay-Bukowski, Derek; Vierinen, Juha; Virtanen, Ilkka I.; Kero, Antti; Fallows, R.; Orispää, Mikko; Postila, Markku; Lehtinen, Markku (2013) KAIRA Space Weather Facility - First Results. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 10th European Space Weather Week, Antwerp, Belgium, 18-22 November 2013. -. -
Wang, D., Yuan, Z., Deng, X., Zhou, M. ,Huang, S., Li, M., Li, Hu., Li, Ha., Raita, T., and Pang, Y. (2013) Compression-related EMIC waves and associated precipitation of relativistic electrons. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - AGU Fall Meeting 2013. American Geophysical Union, SM33A-2143
Vinnik, Lev; Oreshin, Sergey; Kosarev, Grigoriy; Kozlovskaya, Elena; POLENET/LAPNET Working Group Team (2013) Upper mantle of Fennoscandia from P and S receiver functions of the POLENET/LAPNET array. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU General Assembly 2013. -. EGU2013-7996, 7996. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/EGU2013-7996.pdf
Vinnik, Lev; Oreshin, Sergey; Makeyeva, Larissa; Kozlovskaya, Elena; the POLENET/LAPNET Working Group Team (2013) Anisotropic Moho of Fennoscandia. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU General Assembly 2013. -. EGU2013-7883, 7883. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/EGU2013-7883.pdf
Virshylo, Ivan; Kozlovskaya, Elena; Prodaivoda, George; Silvennoinen, Hanna; the POLENET/LAPNET Working Group Team (2013) Composition of uppermost mantle beneath the Northern Fennoscandia ? numerical modeling and petrological interpretation. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU General Assembly 2013. -, 7183. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/EGU2013-7183.pdf
Ammatillinen, oppikirja-aineisto
Usoskin, I. G.; Kovaltsov, G. A. (2012) Solar Modulation of galactic cosmic rays (Chapter 9). Advances in Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Maris, Georgetta; Demetrescu, Crisan. Kerala India, Research Signpost. 163-176
Muu erillisteos
Roininen, Lassi (ed.) (2013) 19th Inverse Days 2013 with a Special Emphasis on the Mathematics of Planet Earth, Sodankylä 10th December 2013, Inari 11th-13th December 2013, Abstracts. - Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory Reports Report No 61. Oulu, Oulun yliopistopaino, Juvenes Print Oulu. http://jultika.oulu.fi/Record/isbn978-952-62-0345-4
Kansainvälinen vierailu/Ulkomaalaiset
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana Sodankylän geofysiikan observatorio Bires Abiyot, Etiopia 03.05.2013-31.07.2013 (90 pv). (Tutkimus)
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana Sodankylän geofysiikan observatorio, HEI-ICI-projektin vierailu Nigussie Melessew, Etiopia 10.11.2013-15.12.2013 (36 pv). (Opetus,Tutkimus)
Usoskin Ilya Germanovitch Sodankylän geofysiikan observatorio Gennady Kovaltsov, Venäjä 04.10.2013-03.11.2013 (31 pv). (Tutkimus)
Usoskin Ilya Germanovitch Sodankylän geofysiikan observatorio Kovaltsov Gennady, Venäjä 01.02.2013-04.03.2013 (32 pv). (Tutkimus)
Usoskin Ilya Germanovitch Sodankylän geofysiikan observatorio Mironova Irina, Venäjä 01.04.2013-02.05.2013 (32 pv). (Tutkimus)
Kansainvälinen vierailu/Oma henkilökunta
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana. HEI-ICI-projektin workshop (Mathematics Education and Working Life Relevance in East-Africa). Bahir Dar University, Washera geospace and radar science laboratory, Bahir Dar, Etiopia 08.10.2013-28.10.2013 (21 pv). (Opetus)
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana. Asteroidikampanja 2012 DA14. EISCAT / UiT, Tromssa, Norja 09.02.2013-17.02.2013 (9 pv). (Tutkimus)
Yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttavuus
Manninen Jyrki Kalervo. (Asiantuntijahaastattelut). Ranskan TV5. 30.01.2013-31.01.2013
Manninen Jyrki Kalervo. (Koulutus ja yleisöluennot). Kainuun luontomatkailun teemaohjelman koordinointihanke II. 29.01.2013
Manninen Jyrki Kalervo. (Koulutus ja yleisöluennot). Lapin yliopisto / Avoin yliopisto. 06.02.2013
Manninen Jyrki Kalervo. (Koulutus ja yleisöluennot). Lapin yliopisto / Avoin yliopisto. 06.02.2013
Manninen Jyrki Kalervo. (Koulutus ja yleisöluennot). Metsästysseura Saletti ry, Sodankylä. 15.02.2013
Manninen Jyrki Kalervo. (Koulutus ja yleisöluennot). Napapiirin MENSA ry. 01.02.2013
Manninen Jyrki Kalervo. (Koulutus ja yleisöluennot). Suomen Keskustan Lapin piirin piirihallitus. 16.02.2013
Manninen Jyrki Kalervo. (Koulutus ja yleisöluennot). Toholammin lukio. 07.02.2013
Raita Tero Juhani. (Koulutus ja yleisöluennot). Ilmatieteen laitos, Rovaniemen Lento- ja sotilassääpalvelu. 30.08.2013
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana. (Asiantuntijahaastattelut). Lapin Kansa. 12.12.2013
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana. (Asiantuntijahaastattelut). Helsingin Sanomat. 15.02.2013
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana. (Asiantuntijahaastattelut). Ilta-sanomat. 20.02.2013
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana. (Asiantuntijahaastattelut). NRK tv-haastattelu. 14.02.2013
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana. (Asiantuntijahaastattelut). Tiede-lehti, haastattelu. 18.03.2013
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana. (Asiantuntijahaastattelut). YLE radiouutiset. 15.02.2013
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana. (Asiantuntijahaastattelut). YLE radiouutiset. 16.02.2013
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana. (Asiantuntijahaastattelut). YLE TV-uutiset. 16.02.2013
Vierinen Juha-Pekka. (Asiantuntijahaastattelut). Populär Astronomi/Robert Cumming. 12.02.2013
Virtanen Ilkka Ilmari. (Koulutus ja yleisöluennot). Sodankylän Geofysiikan Observatorio. 10.09.2013
Tieteelliset esitykset
Brändström, Urban; Enell, Carl-Fredrik; Hansson, Thord; Widell, Ola; Sigernes, Fred; Whiter, Daniel; Mäkinen, Sanna; Gustavsson, Björn; Kozelov, Boris; Axelsson, Katarina; Gullikstad Johnsen, Magnar; Trondsen, Trond S.; Stegman, Jacek, Can we trust our Rayleigh? The optical intercalibration workshops: past, present and future. 40th Annual European meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Tromssa, Norja. 29.08.2013 (Muu esitelmä)
Carl-Fredrik Enell, Bill Rideout, Tero Raita, Ingemar Häggström, Alexander Kozlovsky and Thomas Ulich, Space weather data services at Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory. 10th European Space Weather Week, Antwerpen, Belgia. 18.11.2013 (Posteri)
Carl-Fredrik Enell, Noora Partamies and Daniel Whiter, MIRACLE EMCCD campaign and routine observations 2012-2013. 40th Annual European meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Tromssa, Norja. 29.08.2013 (Muu esitelmä)
Lassi Roininen, Some notes on statistically equivalent radar experiments. EISCAT_3D User Meeting 2013, Uppsala, Ruotsi. 07.05.2013 (Muu esitelmä)
Lassi Roininen, Statistically equivalent radar experiments. EISCAT International Symposium 2013, Lancaster, Iso-Britannia. 15.08.2013 (Muu esitelmä)
M. Gu, C.-F. Enell, J. Pukite, S. Kühl, F. Hendrick, M. Van Roozendael, U. Platt, U. Raffalski and T. Wagner, Long term variation of stratospheric NO2 from ground based Zenith Sky DOAS observations at Kiruna, Sweden. 6th International DOAS workshop, Boulder, Yhdysvallat (USA). 12.08.2013 (Posteri)
Roininen, Lassi, Discretisation schemes and convergence of Whittle-Matérn fields with an application in electrical impedance tomography. Bayesian Inference for Latent Gaussian Models, Reykjavik, Islanti. 13.09.2013 (Posteri)
Urban Brändström, Björn Gustavsson, Carl-Fredrik Enell, Tima Sergienko, Katarina Axelsson, Cyril Simon Wedlund and Herve Lamy, Twenty years experience with the Auroral Imaging System (ALIS). 40th Annual European meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Tromssa, Norja. 30.08.2013 (Muu esitelmä)
Urban Brändström, Björn Gustavsson, Carl-Fredrik Enell, Tima Sergienko, Katarina Axelsson, Cyril Simon Wedlund and Herve Lamy, Twenty years experience with the Auroral Imaging System (ALIS). 40th Annual European meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods, Tromssa, Norja. 30.08.2013 (Muu esitelmä)
Tieteellisiin konferensseihin liittyvät tehtävät
Manninen Jyrki Kalervo - 2nd PLASMON Progress meeting, Sodankylä, Suomi. 09.02.2013-16.02.2013 (Vastuu koko konferenssin järjestämisestä)
Roininen Lassi Ilkka Juhana - Inverse Days 2013 with a special emphasis on the mathematics of planet earth, Sodankylä ja Inari, Suomi. 10.12.2013-13.12.2013 (Vastuu koko konferenssin järjestämisestä)
Tehtävät tieteellisessä julkaisutoiminnassa
Enell Carl-Fredrik Thomas - Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions. European Geophysical Union 2013 (Arvioija/referoija)
Enell Carl-Fredrik Thomas - Planetary and Space Science. Elsevier 2013 (Arvioija/referoija)
Enell Carl-Fredrik Thomas - Acta Geophysica. Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences; distr. by Springer 2013 (Arvioija/referoija)
Enell Carl-Fredrik Thomas - Surveys in Geophysics. Springer 2013 (Arvioija/referoija)
Enell Carl-Fredrik Thomas - Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Elsevier 2012-2013 (Arvioija/referoija)
Enell Carl-Fredrik Thomas - Journal of Geophysical Research D. American Geophysical Union 2012-2013 (Arvioija/referoija)
Kozlovskaya Elena - Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH). Birkhäuser Verlag Basel Boston Berlin 2009-2019 (Toimittaja)
Manninen Jyrki - Annales Geophysicae. European Geophysical Union 1995-2199 (Arvioija/referoija)
Manninen Jyrki - Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Elsevier Ltd. 1995-2199 (Arvioija/referoija)
Manninen Jyrki - Journal of Geophysical Research, Space Physics. American Geophysical Union 1995-2199 (Arvioija/referoija)
Tieteellisen seuran tai verkoston johtamistehtävä
Kozlovskaya Elena. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), 2009-2019 (Suomen kansalliskomitean sihteri)
Tieteellisen ohjelman, tutkimusryhmän tai projektin johtaminen
Kero Antti. Negatiivisten ionien kemiallisia vaikutuksia kuumennuskokeissa. 2010-2013 (Negatiivisten ionien vaikutusten kvantifiointi aktiivisissa kuumennuskokeissa)
Ulich Thomas. FP7 EISCAT_3D Preparatory Phase Study. 2010-2014 (Member of Executive Board)
Yhteenveto (2013)
Tieteellinen aikakauslehti
Ammatillinen, oppikirja-aineisto
Muu erillisteos
Kansainvälinen vierailu/Ulkomaalaiset
Kansainvälinen vierailu/Oma henkilökunta
Yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttavuus
Tieteelliset esitykset
Tieteellisiin konferensseihin liittyvät tehtävät
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Tieteellisen seuran tai verkoston johtamistehtävä
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