Tunnuskuva Laitoksen valintaperustainen julkaisuraportti

PL 8000
90014 Oulu
Yksikkö: Sodankylän geofysiikan observatorio
Huomioi myös alemmat organisaatiot: Kyllä
Vuosi: 2012
Referee: Kyllä, ei
Julkaistu: Kotimaassa, ulkomailla
Huomioi vain jos ensimmäisenä organisaationa: Ei

Tieteellinen aikakauslehti
Alexander Mishev (2012) Short and Medium-Term Induced Ionization in the Earth Atmosphere by Galactic and Solar Cosmic Rays. - International Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 2013
Berthomier, M.; Fazakerley, A. N.; Forsyth, C.; Pottelette , R.; Alexandrova, O.; Anastasiadis , A.; Aruliah , A.; Blelly, P.-L.; Briand, C.; Bruno, R.; Canu, P.; Cecconi, B.; Chust , T.; Daglis, I.; Davies, J.; Dunlop, M.; Fontaine, D.; Génot, V.; Gustavsson, B.; Haerendel, G.; Manninen, Jyrki; Turunen, Esa (2012) Alfvén: magnetosphere-ionosphere connection explorers. - Experimental Astronomy 33 (2-3), 445-489. http://www.springerlink.com/content/466l071183155571/fulltext.pdf
Brändström, B. U. E.; C.-F. Enell; O. Widell; T. Hansson; D. Whiter; S. Mäkinen; D. Mikhaylova; K. Axelsson; F. Sigernes; N. Gulbrandsen; N. M. Schlatter; A. G. Gjendem; L. Cai; J. P. Reistad; M. Daae; T. M. Demissie; Y. L. Andalsvik; O. Roberts; S. Poluyanov; S. Chernouss (2011) Results from the intercalibration of optical low-light calibration sources 2011. - Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions 1 (1), 91-107
Brändström, B. U. E.; C.-F. Enell; O. Widell; T. Hansson; D. Whiter; S. Mäkinen; D. Mikhaylova; K. Axelsson; F. Sigernes; N. Gulbrandsen; N. M. Schlatter; A. G. Gjendem; L. Cai; J. P. Reistad; M. Daae; T. M. Demissie; Y. L. Andalsvik; O. Roberts; S. Poluyanov; S. Chernouss (2012) Results from the intercalibration of optical low-light calibration sources 2011. - Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 1 (1), 43-51. http://www.geosci-instrum-method-data-syst.net/1/43/2012/gi-1-43-2012.pdf
Denton, J. J.; Denton, M. H.; Kavanagh, A. J.; Harron, H.; Ulich, Thomas; Denton, J. S. (2012) Training school pupils in the scientific method: student participation in an international VLF radio experiment. - Physics education 47 (1)
E. Kozlovskaya; A. Kozlovsky (2012) Influence of high-latitude geomagnetic pulsations on recordings of broad-band force-balanced seismic sensors. - Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions 2 (1), 107-148. http://www.geosci-instrum-method-data-syst-discuss.net/2/107/2012/gid-2-107-2012.html
Enell, C.-F.; B. Gustavsson; B. U. E. Brändström; T. I. Sergienko; P. T. Verronen; P. Rydesäter; I. Sandahl (2012) Tomography-like retrieval of auroral volume emission ratios for the 31 January 2008 Hotel Payload 2 event. - Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions 2 (1), 1-21. http://www.geosci-instrum-method-data-syst-discuss.net/2/1/2012/gid-2-1-2012.html
Gopalswamy, N.; H. Xie; S. Yashiro; S. Akiyama; P. Mäkelä; I. G. Usoskin (2012) Properties of Ground Level Enhancement Events and the Associated Solar Eruptions During Solar Cycle 23. - Space Science Reviews 171, 23-60. http://www.springerlink.com/content/461n7h5n0u8291g6/
I.G. Usoskin; G.A. Kovaltsov (2012) Occurrence of Extreme Solar Particle Events: Assessment from Historical Proxy Data. - Astrophysical Journal 757, 1-6
J. Manninen; N. G. Kleimenova; O. V. Kozyreva (2012) New type of ensemble of quasi-periodic, long-lasting VLF emissions at the auroral zone. - Annales Geophysicae 30 (12), 1655-1660
J. Manninen; N.G. Kleimenova; O.V. Kozyreva; M. Parrot; T. Raita; T. Turunen (2012) Experimental evidence of the simultaneous occurrence of VLF chorus on the ground in the global azimuthal scale – from pre-midnight to the late morning. - Annales Geophysicae 30 (4), 725-732. http://www.ann-geophys.net/30/725/2012/angeo-30-725-2012.html
Janutyte, I.; Kozlovskaya, E.; Motuza, G.; PASSEQ Working Group (2012) Study of Local Seismic Events in Lithuania and Adjacent Areas Using Data from the PASSEQ Experiment. - Pure and Applied Geophysics Online First. http://www.springerlink.com/content/t890850571n5720w/
Kavanagh, A. J.; Honary, F.; Donovan, E. F.; Ulich,Thomas; Denton, M. H. (2012) Key features of >30 keV electron precipitation during high speed solar wind streams : A superposed epoch analysis. - Journal of Geophysical Research 117. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2012/2011JA017320.shtml
Kovaltsov, G.A.; Mishev A.; Usoskin I.G. (2012) A new model of cosmogenic production of radiocarbon 14C in the atmosphere. - Earth and planetary science letters 337-338, 114-120. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X1200266X
Lasanen, Sari (2012) Non-Gaussian statistical inverse problems. Part I: Posterior distributions. - Inverse problems and imaging 6 (2), 215 - 266
Lasanen, Sari (2012) Non-Gaussian statistical inverse problems. Part II: Posterior convergence for approximated unknowns. - Inverse problems and imaging 6 (2), 267 - 287
Leppänen A.P.; I.G. Usoskin; G.A. Kovaltsov; J. Paatero (2012) Cosmogenic 7Be and 22Na in Finland: Production, observed periodicities and the connection to climatic phenomena. - Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 74, 164-180
Lukianova, R Ju; Kozlovskii, A; Christiansen, F (2012) Field-Aligned Currents in the Winter and Summer Hemispheres Caused by IMF By. - Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 52 (3), 300–308
Lukianova, Renata; Mursula, Kalevi; Kozlovsky, Alexander (2012) Response of the polar magnetic field intensity to the exceptionally high solar wind streams in 2003. - Geophysical Research Letters 39. http://www.agu.org/journals/gl/gl1204/2011GL050420/2011GL050420.pdf
M. Voiculescu; I.G. Usoskin (2012) Persistent solar signatures in cloud cover: spatial and temporal analysis. - Environmental Research Letters 7, 1-11. http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/7/4/044004/
Manninen, J.; Kleimenova, N.G.; Kozyreva, O.V.; Bespalov, P.A.; Kozlovsky, A.E. (2012) Non-typical ground-based quasi-periodic VLF emissions observed at L ~ 5.3 under quiet geomagnetic conditions at night. - Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 89, 1-6
Manninen, J.; N.G. Kleimenova; O.V. Kozyreva; P.A. Bespalov; T. Raita (2012) Quasi-periodic VLF emissions, VLF chorus and geomagnetic pulsations Pc4 (Event on April 3, 2011). - Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 52 (1), 77-87
Martini, D.; Mursula, K.; Ulich, T.; Pandey, V. S.; Kim, K.-H.; Lee, D.-H. (2012) Long-term changes in indices of geomagnetic activity at the auroral station Sodankylä. - Advances in Space Research 50 (6), 690-699. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2012.01.013
Mironova, I.A.; I.G. Usoskin; G.A. Kovaltsov; S.V. Petelina (2012) Possible effect of extreme solar energetic particle event of 20 January 2005 on polar stratospheric aerosols: direct observational evidence. - Atmospheric chemistry and physics 12 (2), 769–778. http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/12/769/2012/acp-12-769-2012.pdf
Mishev, A.; Velinov, P.I.Y. (2011) Renormalized ionization yield function Y for different nuclei obtained with full monte carlo simulations. - Comptes Rendus de L'Académie Bulgare des Sciences 64 (7), 997-1006. http://www.proceedings.bas.bg/
Mishev, A.L.; Velinov, P.I.Y.; Mateev, L.; Tassev, Y. (2012) Ionization effect of nuclei with solar and galactic origin in the Earth atmosphere during GLE 69 on 20 January 2005. - Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 89, 1-7
Mishev, A.L.; Velinov, P.I.Y.; Mateev, L.; Tassev, Y. (2011) Ionization effect of solar protons in the Earth atmosphere - Case study of the 20 January 2005 SEP event. - Advances in Space Research 48 (7), 1232-1237
Mishev, Alexander; Velinov, Peter I.Y. (2012) Contribution of cosmic ray nuclei of solar and galactic origin to atmospheric ionization during SEP event on 20 January 2005. - Comptes Rendus de L'Académie Bulgare des Sciences 65 (3), 373-380. http://www.proceedings.bas.bg/
Narkilahti, Janne; Tyunina, Marina (2012) The structure of strained perovskite KTaO3 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition. - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (32), 1-4
Nygrén, T.; Markkanen, J.; Aikio, A.; Voiculescu, M. (2012) High-precision measurement of satellite velocity using the EISCAT radar. - Annales Geophysicae 30, 1555-1565. http://www.ann-geophys.net/30/1555/2012/angeo-30-1555-2012.html
Owens, M.J.; Usoskin, I.G.; Lockwood, M. (2012) Heliospheric modulation of galactic cosmic rays during grand solar minima : Past and future variations. - Geophysical Research Letters 39, 1-5. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2012/2012GL053151.shtml
Pilipenko, V; Belakhovsky, V; Kozlovsky, A; Fedorov, E; Kauristie, K (2012) Determination of the wave mode contribution into the ULF pulsations from combined radar and magnetometer data: Method of apparent impedance. - Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 77, 85 - 95. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/13646826/77
Pipin V. V.; D. D. Sokoloff; I. G. Usoskin (2012) Variations of the solar cycle profile in a solar dynamo with fluuctuating dynamo governing parameters. - Astronomy & Astrophysics 542, 1-11
Poli, P., Campillo, M., Pedersen, H., LAPNET Working Group (2012) Body-Wave imaging of Earth's Mantle Discontinuities from Ambient Seismic Noise. - Science 338 (6110), 1063-1065. http://www.science.org
Poli, P.; Pedersen, H. A.; Campillo, M.; the POLENET/LAPNET Working Group; Elena Kozlovskaya; Teppo Jämsen; Hanna Silvennoinen; Riitta Hurskainen; Helle Pedersen; Catherine Pequegnat; Ulrich Achauer; Jaroslava Plomerova; Eduard Kissling; Irina Sanina; Reynir Bodvarsson; Igor Aleshin; Ekaterina Bourova; Evald Brückl; Tuna Eken; Robert Guiguet; Helmut Hausmann; Pekka Heikkinen; Gregory Houseman; Pet (2012) Emergence of body waves from cross-correlation of short period seismic noise. - Geophysical Journal International 188 (2), 549-588. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05271.x/abstract
Rodger, C. J.; M. A. Clilverd; A. J. Kavanagh; C. E. J. Watt; P. T. Verronen; T. Raita (2012) Contrasting the responses of three different ground-based instruments to energetic electron precipitation. - Radio science 47. http://www.agu.org/journals/rs/rs1202/2011RS004971/2011RS004971.pdf
Schrijver, C.J.; J. Beer; U. Baltensperger; E. W. Cliver; M. Güdel; H. S. Hudson; K.G. McCracken; R. A. Osten; T. Peter; D.R. Soderblom; I. G. Usoskin; E. W. Wolff (2012) Estimating the frequency of extremely energetic solar events, based on solar, stellar, lunar, and terrestrial records. - Journal of Geophysical Research 117, 1-17. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2012/2012JA017706.shtml
Traversi, R.; I.G. Usoskin; S.K. Solanki; S. Becagli; M. Frezzotti; M. Severi; B. Stenni; R. Udisti (2012) Nitrate in Polar Ice: A New Tracer of Solar Variability. - Solar physics 280, 237–254. http://www.springerlink.com/content/e3p6182t9856071m/
Usoskin, I.G. (2012) Solar Variability, Cosmic Rays and Climate: What’s up?. - Advances in Space Research 50, 655
Yuan, Zhigang; Ying Xiong; Dedong Wang; Ming Li; Xiaohua Deng; A. G. Yahnin; T. Raita; Jingfang Wang (2012) Characteristics of precipitating energetic ions/electrons associated with the wave-particle interaction in the plasmaspheric plume. - Journal of Geophysical Research 117, 1-9
O. Usoltseva; E. Kozlovskaya; N. Konstantinovskaya: POLENET/LAPNET Working Group (2012) Intraplate seismicity in northern Fennoscandia from data of the POLENET/LAPNET experiment. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference PROBLEMS OF GEOCOSMOS, St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets October 08-12, 2012. V. N. Troyan; V. S. Semenov; M. V. Kubyshkina. Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg Branch of the EurAsian Geophysical Society. 176-181
Alexander Mishev; Peter I.Y. Velinov; Lachezar Mateev (2011) Atmospheric Ionization due to SEP on 28 October 2003 and on 20 January 2005. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, volume 11. IUPAP. 318-321
Antti Kero (2012) Active modification of the D-region ionosphere. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - MST13 Workshop. --. 182. http://www.iap-kborn.de/MST13/files/MST13_book_of_abstracts.pdf
Antti Kero; Juha Vierinen; Michael Rietveld (2012) NOVEL ARTIFICIAL PERIODIC IRREGULARITY EXPERIMENTS WITH THE UPGRADED EISCAT HEATING FACILITY. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 39th COSPAR Scientic Assembly 2012. --. C0.3-0003-12
E. Kozlovskaya; O. Usoltseva; N. Konstantinovskaya; the POLENET/LAPNET Working Group (2012) Local seismicity in the area of Tornio River (northern Fennoscandia) revealed by analysis of local events registered by the POLENET/LAPNET array. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - EGU General Assembly 2012, Abstracts and Programme. -. EGU General Assembly, Abstracts and Programme. Göttingen, Germany, European Geosciences Union. http://www.egu2012.eu/programme/how_to_access_the_programme.html
E. Kozlovskaya; the POLENET/LAPNET Working Group team (2012) Temporal and spatial distribution of glacial earthquakes in Greenland during the IPY 2007-2009. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - EGU General Assembly 2012, Abstracts and Programme. -. EGU General Assembly, Abstracts and Programme. Göttingen, European Geosciences Union. http://www.egu2012.eu/programme/how_to_access_the_programme.html
J. Plomerova; L. Vecsey; V. Babuska; LAPNET Working Group (2012) Domains of Archean mantle lithosphere deciphered by seismic anisotropy-inferences from the LAPNET array in northern Fennoscandia. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - EGU General Assembly 2012, Abstracts and Programme. -. EGU General Assembly, Abstracts and Programme. Göttingen, Germany, European Geosciences Union. http://www.egu2012.eu/programme/how_to_access_the_programme.html
Janutyte, I.; Voss, P.H.; Kozlovskaya, E.; PASSEQ Working Group (2012) Preliminary results of teleseismic tomography across the Trans-European Suture Zone. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Book of abstracts. 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (GA ESC 2012), 19-24 August 2012, Moscow, Russia. European Seismological Commission. Abstracts of the General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission ESC Abstracts 2012. Moscow, PH Poligrafqwik. 23
Kozlovskaya, E.; Kosarev, G.; Oreshin, S.; Vinnik, L.; POLENET/LAPNET Working Group (2012) Joint inversion of P-and S-receiver functions obtained from recordings of the POLENET/LAPNET temporary array in the northern Fennoscandian Shield. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Book of abstracts. 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (GA ESC 2012), 19-24 August 2012, Moscow, Russia. European Seismological Commission. Abstracts of the General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission ESC Abstracts 2012. Moscow, PH Poligrafqwik. 62-63
Kozlovskaya, E.; POLENET/LAPNET Working Group (2012) Glacial earthquakes from Greenland and slow earthquakes from Arctic detected by the POLENET/LAPNET temporary array during the International Polar Year 2007-2009. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Book of abstracts. 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (GA ESC 2012), 19-24 August 2012, Moscow, Russia. European Seismological Commission. Abstracts of the General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission ESC Abstracts 2012. Moscow, PH Poligrafqwik. 47
Kozlovsky, A.; T. Turunen; T. Ulich (2012) Observations of acoustic gravity waves in the auroral ionosphere. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - EGU General Assembly 2012, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14. -
M. Gu; C.-F. Enell; J. Pukite; S. Kühl; U. Platt; U. Raffalski; T. Wagner (2012) Seasonal variation of stratospheric BrO and NO2 derived from ground based measurements during 1997–2009 in Kiruna, Sweden. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU General Assembly 2012. European Geophysical Union. Geophysical Research Abstracts 14. EGU2012-8769. http://www.ademrc.org/9th_sym/2012oralsession.pdf
Manninen, J.; Kleimenova, N.G.; Kozyreva, O.V. (2012) Temporal change of the VLF hiss polarization: Case study of April 12, 2011. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - Proceedings of 35th Apatity Seminar on Physics of Auroral Phenomena 2012. A. Yahnin. 67-71
Mishev, A.; Velinov, P.I.Y. (2011) Normalization of Ionization Yield Function Y for various nuclei. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference. IUPAP. International Conference on Cosmic Rays 11. 313-316. http://galprop.stanford.edu/elibrary/icrc/2011/papers/SH4.2/icrc0027.pdf
P.Poli; H.A. Pedersen; M. Campillo; POLENET/LAPNET Working Group (2012) Inaging small velocity variations through improved noise correlation approach: application to northern Fennoscandia. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - EGU General Assembly 2012, Abstracts and Programme. -. EGU General Assembly, Abstracts and Programme. Göttingen, European Geosciences Union. http://www.egu2012.eu/programme/how_to_access_the_programme.html
Roininen, Lassi (2012) Discretisation-invariant priors in Bayesian statistical inversion with an application in ionospheric tomography. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Second Workshop on Bayesian Inference for Latent Gaussian Models with Applications. Jo Eidsvik, Finn Lindgren, Håvard Rue, Ingelin Steinsland. 73
Silvennoinen, H.; Kozlovskaya, E.; Kissling, E.; Kosarev, G.; the POLENET/LAPNET Working Group (2012) Compilation of Moho boundary map for northern Fennoscandian shield. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - EGU General Assembly 2012, Abstracts and Programme. -. European Geoscience Union Abstracts. Göttingen, European Geosciences Union. http://www.egu2012.eu/programme/how_to_access_the_programme.html
T. Tiira; T. Janik; E. Kozlovskaya; M. Grad; A. Korja, K. komminaho; E. Hegedus; C.A. Kovacs; H. Silvennoinen; E. Brueckl (2012) New seismic Vp- and Vp/vs models of HUKKA2007 wide-angle reflection and refraction profile in northern Fennoscandian Shield. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - EGU General Assembly 2012, Abstracts and Programme. -. EGU General Assembly, Abstracts and Programme. Göttingen, European Geosciences Union. http://www.egu2012.eu/programme/how_to_access_the_programme.html
Usoskin, I.G.; Solanki, S.K.; Kovaltsov, G.A. (2012) Grand minima of solar activity during the last millennia. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and Stars. C. H. Mandrini; D. F. Webb. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 7, S286, Cambridge University Press. 372-382. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=8628485&fulltextType=RA&fileId=S174392131200511X
Vierinen, Juha (2012) On statistical theory of radar measurements [Aalto-yliopiston väitöskirja]. - Aalto University publication series. Doctoral dissertations 115/2012. Espoo. Artikkeliväitöskirja. 185. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-60-4779-9

Kaikki Referoidut Muut Referoidut/Suomi Muut/Suomi Referoidut/Ulkomaat Muut/Ulkomaat
Artikkeli 59 41 18 41 18 0 0
Tieteellinen aikakauslehti 40 38 2 38 2 0 0
Muu aikakauslehti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kokoomateos 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
Konferenssijulkaisu 18 3 15 3 15 0 0
Luku oppikirjassa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sanomalehti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Erillisteos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tieteellinen erillisteos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Muu erillisteos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toimitettu julkaisu jossa omaa tekstiä 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Opinnäyte 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
Patentti ja muu suojattu keksintö 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Myönnetty patentti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tietokoneohjelma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Audiovisuaalinen tuote 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Radio- ja tv-ohjelma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Muu tallenne 0 0 0 0 0 0 0